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The breath of Father Winter created intricate designs upon the windows as he whistled outside stirring nature's powder. Winter was the brother of light-footed Death, where he goes Death shall surely follow. Death has outgrown his shadow, however; he now skips ahead of his cold brother, curious at the sound of violence.

I placed my hand on the window letting it cling to my warmth. As a visible breath passed my lips, I reached out to Tallis's mind. Like an anchor, it kept me grounded and on my feet. I wish he were here with me.

The room was silent except for the occasional sobs of Indigo. The funeral procession was small due to traveling conditions being too hazardous for many to come pay tribute to the fallen king and the young princess.

Not long after my return, I was informed of the events that transpired at the King's Summit. A radical group of anarchists, who called themselves The Rise, had grown quite large in the shadows. Their mission was the dismantling of all monarchy in all eight kingdoms. At first the threat seemed to be minuscule, a couple of easily dispersed riots and property defacement. Then it escalated into poorly executed assassination attempts of royal family members in Macedocia, Eldair, and Pycell. They also believed the conspiracy with Maru was devised by a covert Rise member in the Maruvian Council. The increasing number of connections to this underground organization was one of the main reasons for the Summit. And they played right into their hands.

The Rise had bought off a vast majority of Calistro soldiers. In a bloody night, they killed their king and all those loyal to him before he could even make it out of his kingdom. Wielding the red wolf banner, they managed a surprise attack on the gathered leaders. In the ensuing battle, King Dominic was killed, Princess Cerise was lost over a cliff, and Sir Arthur was severely injured.

My chest tightened and I let out a shaky breath that came out in a vapor. Not able to stand it any longer, I walked over to the fireplace in the great council room and began lighting a fire. They had sent for a servant to light a fire, but I was done waiting. Carmine's arm halted the steps of a knight who had stepped forward to stop me.

Reginald cleared his throat. "The wedding ceremony will take place in a fortnight. The timing may seem indelicate, but given that the security of Alderias is at stake, I am sure my late uncle would not have objected. This fair kingdom was his greatest legacy, and he would not have liked it to fall with his death. Ruby has agreed with me on this matter..." He looked to his soon-to-be bride with apprehension.

Ruby remained still, all life in her dark eyes gone. But the magic within her was contained, for now. Her beautiful light brown skin had an unhealthy pallor hue to it. Her black hair lacked its usual luster. There was no question that she was not fit to rule in her current state. Not that it mattered, the marriage to Reginald was set before our father's untimely demise.

Queen Amelia's arm had returned to normal after Ruby had recovered. She now sat at the far end of the table away from her, Amber wrapped in her protective embrace.

My cousin turned to face the window hands behind his back hidden by the large black fur cape he wore. "Cousins, we face uncertain times. Like us, many kingdoms are mourning great losses and finding traitors in their midst."

"News of Nazam?" Jade asked, a spark inside her igniting.

"The traitorous snake continues to evade us. His magic keeps him concealed, but he will slip up and we will be there to hang him for treason when he does."

Silence filled the room. Nazam, my father's most trusted advisor and friend, was part of the plot. His magic had killed many of our knights and has put Sir Arthur on Death's doorstep.

"What of Eldair? Has our other sisters been informed?" Olive asked.

"A messenger has been sent, no telling how long it will take to reach them. Due to their King's health and preparing for the early winter storms, they were not in attendance at the Summit. It is not clear what Eldair knows. Your highnesses will be informed the moment we hear anything from Eldair.

Another matter brought to the attention of the council was the threat of an ogre invasion as well as a plea for aid from a clan of gnomes. The ogres had kidnapped Princess Sienna in order to obtain a claim to the throne. These actions will not go unpunished, but circumstances being what they are, we cannot afford to retaliate. Our attention must focus to the northwest. The Rise occupies the throne of Calistro and all its resources, holding her citizens captive. Valence will no doubt ask for reinforcement on their border. War may be inevitable. We cannot afford to be distracted."

"What of the gnomes' home? Their lands?" I asked.

"We cannot afford to divide our resources right now. We must protect our people---"

"The gnomes are our people, too."

"Then they must start paying their dues. We will provide refuge if they provide service."

I faced away from him to glare down at the fire. He said, "Right now, we need our resources to go to securing and aiding our allies. Strong alliances are what we need now more than ever. All the kingdoms under the Belle are amid stabilizing their governments after the attack on the Summit, but I have already gotten word from Valence that the arranged marriage between our lands must still stand..." We all looked unsteadily at one another. "With the arrangement with Calistro now null and void, Princess Carmine is next in line to be engaged to Prince Jareth of Valence."

Carmine stood with her fists clenched. "I will not dishonor my sister's memory so!"

"You are not dishonoring anyone. You honor her memory by fulfilling the role her birth had assigned to her!"

"Ha! How can you be so calculating? We have not even put her to rest! At least lay her body in the ground before asking me to lay in her beloved's bed!"

"That is where you are wrong, cousin. I am not asking. I am ordering as your soon-to-be King!" His voice had raised then he seemed to pull himself back. "Enough. I will miss my sweet cousin. Scouts have been sent to search the ravine for her body, so that we may perform proper funeral rites. I will do right by her memory and you shall too by securing our allies. We will keep Alderias safe, but only if every single one of you do what I say when I say it."

Carmine sat down, lips trembling. She seemed to struggle to be as defiant as she was known to be. I wondered if any of us would ever be the same. Fresh tears flooded my eyes as I stared absently into the fire. Where do we go from here?

Sienna and Tallis return in 'Sienna and the Return of Fire'... Date TBA

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