Chapter 4

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{Media= Adam's apartment}

"Ana, Maxie's missing a kidney." The words June had spoken replayed over and over in Arianna's head as Adam raced to the hospital.

He was breaking so many speed limits at the moment, but Arianna didn't give two shits.

"How the hell..." Adam kept murmuring under his breath.

Arianna couldn't stop her hands from shaking. There were so many questions running through her head.

They reached the local hospital in record time due to Adam's maniacal speeding. He had barely put the car in park before Arianna had jumped out, running into the hospital. There, at the entrance, Dan was waiting for them.

"Where?" She asked him frantically, as she almost ran smack into him.

"Follow me." He said. Together they ran at a slight jog into the building and towards Maxie's room. Outside her door stood June and Matt. Upon seeing her June attacked Arianna with a hug. Due to the situation, Arianna didn't squirm or pull away. She simply let June pull her into a crushing embrace.

"They said someone stole it. How the hell does that even happen Ana?" June said in dismay. "How did we not know? How was she not in any pain?"

Behind her someone nosily cleared his or her throat.

"I might could help you with that." The voice belonged to the doctor.

June let Arianna go and turned towards the doctor. "What the hell's going on?" she asked.

Adam had caught up with them and was standing next to Arianna with his arm around her, listening to the doctor attentively. Dan and Matt were next to them. Matt had his arms around Dan's waist facing the doctor. Neither one of them cared at the moment who saw them.

"We have already informed the police of the circumstances surrounding the situation." The doctor informed them.

Arianna stepped away from Adam. "Care to explain?" She pressured.

The doctor let out a sigh. "I believe that we have a serial organ thief on our hands. And I believe I know who."

"That's enough doctor." The detective said. The police had arrived. "These children do not need any unnecessary information."

"I'd hardly call anything pertaining to what happened to Maxie unnecessary information." Arianna said harshly.

"That's not up to you." He said. "Now, I think visiting hours are over. You can go now."

June was infuriated. "Hey, you can't just kick us out like this!"

"Watch me." The detective then called for security to escort them out.

The five of them reluctantly left the hospital, as Maxie's family rushed in. The family didn't even glance at them.

Adam and Matt went to get their cars, and left June, Dan, and Arianna in the freezing temperature. June and Dan huddled together while Arianna stood shivering. Finally, Adam and Matt pulled into the car pull lanes. June and Dan got into the car with Matt, and Arianna crawled into the front seat of Adam's car.

As they pulled out of the hospital, Adam began to curse under his breath. "Those bitches." He murmured.

Arianna sighed. "Guess who's not getting any sleep tonight?" She said.

"It just doesn't make sense Ana. It makes literally no sense. How could anyone steal a kidney that fast without a shit ton of blood?"

"My guess is it's a professional. It has to be. I mean she wasn't in any pain so she had to be drugged."

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