Chapter 1

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The young girl couldn't have been older than fourteen, but the pain clouding her eyes made her look much older. The wind was blowing furiously in her direction forcing the tears streaming down her face to fall horizontally down her cheeks. Skipping school was new to her. She'd thought about doing it many times but she couldn't bear disappointing her dad. Today was different. She couldn't stand one more second in that hell hole called school. The day began like any other. The girl would walk into school, avoid the stares of all her class mates and pray to god nobody approached her. But as always, some complete asshole would shove her into a locker. The stares, and bullying began when her best friend's boyfriend made a move on her, and she rejected him. The boy than told the whole school that she made a move on him. As well as losing every single friend she had, she also became known as the school slut.

Friendless and alone, she had fallen into depression. She became very insecure and self conscious. Often times at school she'd cry out of pure misery. Everyone would see it. She now had a new nickname. Crybaby. The girl was a mess.

As she raced home from school she tried to stop crying, but it was useless. When she reached her home she checked to see if any of her parents' cars were home. They weren't. She silently thanked a god she no longer believed in and went inside. The house was dead silent as she raced to her upstairs bedroom. Sobbing, she turned on her stereo to full volume. As it blasted classical music throughout the house, the girl slid down the wall, hugging herself. She was completely oblivious to the fact that her father had come home around this time. She didn't even hear the man bounding up the stairs until he burst into her room.

Her sobs ceased as the man burst into her room. He had startled her. The man, her father, looked upon his daughter in shock. His crystal blue eyes meet her watery brown eyes. They both held their gaze as they registered what was happening. Ashamed, the girl whispered a silent apology. The man shook his head and wrapped his daughter in a tight embrace.

This is one of her last memories of him.

A few days after this incident the young girl's mother came back from a business trip and asked her husband why their daughter was not at school. The situation was then explained to the mother. She stared at her daughter in complete and utter disappointment. Shaking her head, she went to her room and locked the door. The girl wasn't surprised, and her father was furious. He smiled gently at his daughter. "Don't worry, she'll come around." The girl whipped a silent tear off her cheek, and nodded. The man kissed his daughter atop the head. "I'm going to head to the dock. I'll be back soon honey." He said. She nodded and said, "Love you Dad." He pulled on his coat and responded, "Love ya more baby girl."

The rest of that night was a blur. The only thing the girl remembered was waiting. She waited for hours upon hours. Then the phone call came. She waited for her mother to answer it. Next thing she knew her mother walked into the living room where her daughter was. She stared straight through her daughter. "Come with me." was all she said. The girl followed her mother to the car, and without speaking they arrived at the docks.

"Mom, what are we doing here?" She asked uneasily. The sun had already set and the docks were illuminated by the sirens of first responder's vehicles. "Are you Mrs. Grey?" And officer asked the girls mother. "Yes." She said. The young girl asked, "Mom what's going on?" Again, she received no answer, "Right this way ma'am." The cop said pulling up the caution tape for her to enter. "Mom what the hell is going on!" The girl nearly screamed. Just like the other two times, her mother didn't respond. "Ma'am," the cop spoke up again, "I wouldn't suggest bringing your daughter." He said softly. "She can handle it."

The girl looked at the cop, confused. As she walked under the crime scene tape she smelt a nauseating smell of fish and puke. She followed closely behind her mother. A sudden sob escaped her mothers throat. Confused, the girl looked over her mother's shoulder and saw it. A mutilated body, not even vaguely resembling her father. She heard a retching sound from behind her. Her mother had thrown up. She stared at her mothers tear stained face and looked back at her father. She remember his last words to her and a single tear streamed down her face.

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