Filler- Mako's name

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As you can infer from the title of the chapter, this is a filler/fun chapter that doesn't tie in completely to the plot.

Enjoy! Next chapter is going up in a few days!


Lounging on a bar stool, flittering magic sparks from my finger tips to amuse a bug eyed Chesha, I made simple conversation with the long-term bartender, Mako. It was a casual day in between missions, Val and Ginge where no where to be found, Jose had no awaiting S-class missions for the Element 5, and there were no rookies around to bother. All was good in the close to empty hall.

"Say, Mako," I asked with an amused smile on my face as I watched Chesha try and grab the sparks. Mako looked up from wiping down some glasses to look at me. "Why do you have a girl's name?"

Mako went frigid, his usually tanned cheeks went aflame with bright red. He looked both embarrassed and distant, comical yet serious. He then went back to wiping a new set of glasses. "Of course it's a girl's name. It's got a 'ko' in it for a reason."

Thinking for a second, I finally had a theory in my mind. My usually pale face went even paler as I looked over to him, stuttering.

"Wait, does that mean..." I trailed off and glanced over his heavily muscled body and then took a second to look for any female parts. "Oh, gosh."

Mako roared with laughter, his voice booming throughout the place. The few people in the room turned to see the explosion of sound.

"Arisu," I looked down and saw Chesha, dangling from my finger, pouting. "Put the sparks back on."

"Oh, sorry." I said and made more multi-colored sparks shoot from my fingers. Chesha quickly went back to being distracted by it.


Distracted by thoughts I shook my head and looked back to Mako. He was chuckling and shaking his head side to side looking at me.

"No, I'm not of the female category, but I'm flattered." Mako informed and, when I gave him a confused tilt of the head, explained further, "Mako was actually my sister. We were identical when we were young, so switching out names and making people mix up who's who was our little inside joke."

"And that's why your name is Mako now?" I inquired. "That doesn't seem logical to keep up the charade now."

"It is sentimental."

"How so? In my opinion it isn't, and it seems rather childish for a guy your age and physic."

Right after I said that, I regretted it. The body language he emitted was easy to decipher that his sister was no longer around, living. I saw that Mako's hands went still and the glass he was polishing cracked under pressure. Before the glass could fall, I rushed my free hand to create an invisible barrier around the shards.

"Sorry," I mumbled shyly and motioned the box over the counter, to where it clattered. "Forget I said anything. I shouldn't have said it. It was rude."

"No, no," Mako shushed me and started to dust up the shards. "You are right. But even though I don't look it, I'm not that tough. She died when we were thirteen and took my name when she went, yeah."


Biting my lip uncertainly, I thought over the new information on Mako heavily. My mind couldn't picture anything quite like a female version of him. All I could come up with is a bulky, black haired girl with maybe freakish tattoos to add to the toughness factor. Maybe she wore a blue knitted cap like male Mako. Or maybe she was girly and wore pink and black, like a gothic Lolita would do. She could be serving the guild alcoholic drinks and greasy food in some gothic maid outfit with pigtails and a chirpy sounding voice.

Getting lost in my thoughts, I took an absentminded sip from my half-empty glass. 'If his sister's name was Mako, what's his name?'

"Hey, Mako," Chesha blurted and brought me back to reality. "What's your real name then?"

"Chesha," I chided and pulled him by his ear. He whined in pain in return. "Don't."

"Nah, it's just a name..." Mako said slowly. Intrigued, Chesha and I leaned forward in our seats. Curiosity hitting us both hard. "That I don't have to tell you."

Chesha and I dropped our heads, or more like slammed them off the counter. I couldn't believe I found myself drawn into that little gag. The sound of Mako chuckling then brought my face reddening and steam to somehow pump from my ears in embarrassment.

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