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We were taken out of Oak town, to the outskirts in a rocky area with a giant building sitting between the mountains of rocks. The giant castle-like building of Phantom Lord stood tall and dark in the center of the town. It's walls stood sturdy with hard blocks of dark blue, almost black, concrete bricks. It had seemed like a fairytale book came by and fantasized an evil looking castle where a no-good witch would reside. But that didn't stop Chesha gazing up at it in awe as if it was the most beautiful building ever.

"Wow, it looks even better up close!" Chesha fawned as he jumped eagerly on my shoulder with glittering green eyes.

I gave a cautious smile that didn't quite reach my eyes at Chesha. He didn't notice, because he was too busy looking around as if he's never been here, but we have on our many wanders these past few days. Then I started my stride up again to enter the tall castle of a guild, closely following the guild's leader, Jose. The massive, dark brown wooden double doors opened on his command as he step up the building's steps, and leading us into a dark, mostly candle lit, bar styled room.

As my eyes adjusted to the dark room, I took note of various tables littered around, the giant fireplace in the middle of the wall to my left, the bar with its long stretched counter, and the square wooden beams above my head with a dangling chandler. A billboard, which I presumed held the 'jobs' we would have to take for money, stood in my line of sight at the other end of the room, right beside a base of stairs leading to the next floor up. Various people with the Phantom Lord symbol on their bodies and clothes littered around, almost all of them turning their curious and somewhat suspicious gazes over to us newcomers. But, some of them looked a little happy, probably because they knew we were about to become fresh meat to pick on in just a short while.

"This is our main building we use, right here outside Oak. To get a job, just go over to the job board by the stairs, pick anyone you like." Jose called over his shoulder and walked away toward the bar. "Come, let's go over to the bar so you both can receive your guild marks."

I followed easily and kept my face stoic as I passed the many tables. Chesha bounced eagerly off my shoulder, whipped his head back and forth just like a little kid on a toys tore. Hushed whispers soon erupted from the wizards the second a passed them, all wondering different things.

"Did Master really bring another wizard to our guild?" A person's hushed whisper caught me attention as I walked toward them, a simple group of four.

"Looks like it." Said another of the group, "What's this? The 6th wizard he brought in this month?"

"Why?" A third person asked and then looked at me as I neared them. His eyes were slightly squinted, even though the sun that would shine through the glass was down and the moon was out.

"Didn't you hear about the new guild growing in power? You of all people should've known that our status as the strongest guild is weakening greatly." The fourth and final one responded. "But out of the six he brought in, she looks by far the weakest. She won't last a week, let alone the cat."

I brushed off the rude comment and added a little note to the back of my mind. The reason he got me here was because his reputation was faltering, which could be considered either petty or smart. Bringing in a strong crop of wizards just to hold them on top can look silly and frustrating in the eyes of competition. In the eyes of the bystanders and others, it does seem smart, and even I thought it was.

The group of four wizards watched us from the corner of their eyes, snickering when Chesha gaped and giggling at the sights he saw. Two of them looked like siblings, twins maybe, with short, black cropped hair, and wore matching black hooded capes on their shoulders. The third was a girl with tan skin and red hair, a dark purple cape draped over her shoulder. The last one had greasy, slick brown hair pulled back into a low pontytail, but no cape on his body, just shirtless. Though, a dark green cape laid on his chair behind him.

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