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I am very sorry to say that I've been very busy to update the month of August, but now I'm back! I was going to update my other story, 'Coder of Silence' today, but after I completed the whole chapter, the computer died and deleted the chapter. After all that work- it gets destroyed in a matter of second- I can't bare to start working on it, because it makes my head ache with anger.

So to get my mind off that bugger, I took my mind and put in to work on this story. Enjoy!

I do not own Fairytail.

"Ginge, you dumbass." I stated boldly as I slapped him upside the head, furious. A few of those usual spirits that still hung around me giggled and laughed at his misfortune.

I don't know how, and I don't know why, but this duo of me and Chesha turned into a team of four. After the first mission turned out a success, Chesha, a few days later, wanted to do one more mission, which the two tagged along once again. I tried to say no, but they somehow figured out where we were going and what job we were doing, probably from the bartender Mako, and snuck aboard the train we were scheduled to go on and joined us immediately.

Chesha, the cat who loves company and happiness, didn't like the idea of them joining us like that and felt uneasy. To which I fully agreed on to the highest level. So, after excusing ourselves to use the restroom on the train, we jumped out of the window and hightailed it out of their as quickly as we could. Jumping out of a fast moving train was hard enough, but just because, I had to land of some really hard dirt and, for me, had to gain some really nasty bruises.

I guess you're wondering why Chesha didn't fly us out of their from the window, yes? You think that because he has wings that allows him to fly, he can carry me and we both fly away into a happy sunset? Well, you're wrong. He was not able, and never will be able, to pick up heavy objects like myself because of his weaker, tinier, more breakable self.

We have tried, and we have failed.

Though, I have heard of another flying cat traveling with one called Salamander, from some other guild. It was rumored that he was a talking cat who could fly and pick his master up with relative ease- or so I've heard.

So I had to jump and try to alleviate the damage by tucking myself into a ball. The good thing was that I used Mime's Cushion just in time to save me from the first impact of the ground, but I still bounced off and gained bruises that I shouldn't have had to deal with. But it's no big deal as long as it meant that we could get away from them, right?

Wrong again. We got about one day on foot to the nearest inn before they found us using Ginge's 'tracker' magic.

They made this whole explanation going on about how they just liked us too much for embarrassing those buffoons I trapped in Mime's prison. Then they said, well Ginge said, that they owed us for taking down the old rein of power which Chesha and I had to sweat drop at because we didn't even know they had a rein of power to begin with. After all that, I told them that they already help us in a mission and they can get lost now, but then they reputed that we are, in Ginge's words, 'Dangerously hilarious'.

In short, we had a huge argument- Me verses Val and Ginge while Chesha stayed quietly on my shoulder for once, but then went away somewhere when I wasn't looking. Then that argument went into a slap fest as I started slapping them both in the face and they did the same, which quickly went out into a full out brawl in fists and magic. Though we didn't use much magic, Val's destruction based magic demolished half the city.

In the end, the town we happened to be in kicked us out for 'heavily damaging' their town and forbidden us to ever return. Val and Ginge had beat-up, black and blue faces. Chesha somehow found himself some hard candy during our fight and was eating it afterwards on our trip home. And I had to ruefully apologize for the damages and give all the money I brought along away to the town. Luckily our Guild marks were hidden from view, or Jose would've came down on us harsher than the town's people.

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