S-Class part 2

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Cato was a tall, bulky man with a long curly hair that stuck out in every direction. He snarled when I enetered the arena, revealing his sharp, fang-like teeth and hoped on the balls of his feet in anticipation. I ignored his anticipation and slowly took my time with walking out to the center of the sandy feild, making sure I took in all of my surroundings and left nothing unnoticed. The crowd in the stands roared with shouts of either boos or cheers, all wanting for their comptetitor to win so they can cash in their bets.

"Hurry up, blondie!" Cato's loud, booming voiced roared out as he curled his ring-filled fingers anxiously. A clear sheen of sweat dripped down his forehead, caused by the heat, but other than that he showed no sign of exhaustion yet.

I said nothing as I approached, kicking off my red flats to the side and readjusted my gloves slowly, my eyes not leaving his. The cool sand felt nice as it rubbed against my toes and I made a point of taking my time while doing so. Cato across from me grimanced and glared daggers at me.

Draining the opponent's patience was step number one.

"Arisu, are you ready to begin?" The Overseer of the match, Claudia Blakenship, asked as I arrived to the center circle.

"I guess," I answered in mock boredom, feigning a sigh, to the purple spiked hair goth. Ginge let out a 'Boo-yeah!' from the stands like an idiot.

Claudia nodded and looked to Cato. "And Cata Kane, are you ready."

"Yeah, yeah," Cato replied and waved her off, fighting stance ready. "Let's just get this thing started."

"Alright, than I guess you don't need the rules repeated other than wait until I say start- and the small issue of no killing." Claudia stated and stepped back away from us, her magic pedastal rising into the air and stopping next to the Guild Master, Jose.

I waited patiently for a few seconds, when the yelling of the of the non-competeting mages died down, and Claudia's voice echoed throughout the arena from the magic microphone and speakers.

"Now that the competiters are ready, we can begin in three, two, one-


Cato smiled wickedly to himself and tapped on one of his rings, a yellow magic circle formed out of it and his body shined brightly. When it dissapated, the huge bulking Cato was now adorned with black stripes across his arms and face, a long black-stripped tail, and pointed furry ears. He kneeled down to the ground and smiled up with his newly sharppened teeth.

"You ready, blondie?" He asked just before he lunged.

Cato jumped up high in the air, claws quickly growing out from his fingers, and then he lunged straight for the top of my head. I could already sense his victory cheer escape his lips as he immediatly pinned me down to the ground. His claws sunk into my shoulder, causing sharp pain to shoot through my collar, and I fell to the ground with a fake cry of pain.

I was stuck, back sinking into the sand and the disgusting smell of his breath almost making me gag, and I was bored.

Though, I couldn't help as the sharp pains filled my body as another magic spell from one of his various rings took effect. It was poison magic; which this one was made to paralyze the enemy for short periods of time. I could tell this because I could move my joints after a second of paralyzation.

But, step number two was to give them hope.

And Cato wasn't the one to hold back, even though I was a female. A tiny one with fragile looking features, and note that I said fragile looking. He easily had no qualms about scratching my face repeatedly, my blood staining his clothing and skin. When the bleeding became too much, and Claudia warned about no death once again, he started to punch me. Pain soon throbbed my body with every touch to the skin, though no magic could be sensed from any of his hits.

Step number three was for the opponent to gain too much confidence.

Cato smiled ruthlessly when he was done, breathing heavily, as if he had one this round. His smile wide with happiness as he got off me and yelled out in victory. He kicked dirt on my face, knowing full well I was still conscious. The crowd around started yelling loudly, either in cheer for Cato or in anger because of how long the fight had lasted- 39 seconds to be exact. But also from the stands I could hear the yells of Chesha, Val, and Ginge telling me to get back up and continue fighting. Well, I believe Chesha was demanding me, but he didn't have to, I was never going to back down.

And in truth, Cato's magic was too pitiful to lose to.

I slowly sat up and wiped the blood from my face with the short sleeve of my glove. A passive glare positioned readily on my face. Cato's back was now turned to me, his attention too busy to focus on the finishing move. He jumped and fist pumped the air, his cat magic disappearing now. Watching him, I easily started shretching my arms and legs as if I didn't feel a thing, which I didn't, and smirked when the crowds of mages starting to quiet. The crowd's cheers and jeers quickly diminished and quieted.

"What's wrong people?" Cato shouted out to the quieting crowd and started to turn around. "I still need to-"

His smile falthered and mine widened as he saw me sitting crossed legged on the ground, looking like a bloody mess but smiling like a champion.

Step number four was to defeat before they know what's coming.

So I yawned with my right hand and drew a white magic circle with my left, to which a few seconds later I turned invisible. Not a person could see me unless they knew what spell I used, and Chesha was the only one.

I then stood up and zoomed behind him, my lips beside his ear and said, "Step five is to defeat you." I formed another magic circle, a tiny one just from the fingertip and let it blast into his eardrums.

I jumped away as he wirled around, tapping his rings to activate his cat-self, but it was too late. From the regular peoples view's, all they say was a lone man wipping his head violently to the side, up and down, eyes wide with fear and inconherent yells coming from his mouth. Only I knew that whispers of with sorts of messages started to spin around in his mind, telling him that I was here, or there, or anywhere. Images of me stood around him, calling out and taunting him.

Cato ran from mirage to mirage, slashing and scratching all he could see. In truth all he was hitting was littered rocks thrown across the field for competiter's usage, his claws dulled with each unneeded hit. It was a true laugh that only few would enjoy. Most everyone in the stands stood around in confusion and wondered what magic I was using, but I saw Chesha fly happily in the air screaming my name on top of his lungs, with Val and Ginge a few feet below doing the same.

I smiled to myself as I watched him struggle, seeing exhaustion slow him down and his slashes started to weaken. A sheen blanket of sweat coated his forehead. It was almost too easy to do this.

Taking off the invisibility spell, anyone looking would find me standing bored beside him with a tiny smirk growing on my face. I tapped him on his shoulder and he whirled around, his eyes wide and mouth agape. He took one look at my face before turning sour and bringing his fist back.

But before he could bring about a weak punch, my own fist collided to his nose. Using all my my strength, the impact made a cracking sound and he flew. Then he went out cold.

"Yo-ou wi-win." Cato gasped out when the dust cleared and he found himself crumbled in a heap, cluttered with rocks.

"Not my fault." I chided as the spectators went silent and stayed that way. I turned on my bare-footed heels and gave a thumbs up to Chesha. He returned it with happy glees.

"I knew you could do it, Arisu!"


And scene!

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