Chapter 4

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It's currently Tuesday morning, and I already want to die.

I do my usual morning routine and head downstairs to grab something to eat.

Eliot texted me last night saying he's taking me to school today.

My friends are practically my personal chauffeurs. Since I failed my driver's test three times already, I eventually just gave up.

I head to the kitchen and toast a waffle.

Once it's done, I grab it and head outside to meet Eli.

We make our way to school while carpooling to Chase Atlantic.

It's an addiction at this point.

Eliot drove through the school gates and I can't help but feel nervous.

'I'll see you tomorrow Layla'

His deep voice ran through my head.

Getting out of my daze, I realize Eliot had just parked.

I bring my hands to the door latch and open the door.

Heading out a cold breeze ran through my body.

Shivering I pull my hands into my hoodie.

Thank Jesus I wore a hoodie today this weather is bipolar as fuck.

Eliot and I are walking to the front doors and we spot Violet talking to Matt.

We start walking towards them and then an idea pops up in my head.

I see that Matts's back was facing towards us, which meant he couldn't see us approaching.

I stop walking and see Eliot turn around and raise an eyebrow at me.

I laugh evilly in my head.

I walk up behind Matt discreetly, while Eliot watches me with an amused and confused look.

I jump on Matts's back and scream his name in his ear.

He jumps up in fright, and trips, then immediately fall to the ground with me still on his back clinging to him.

I lose my grip on him replacing my hands from his back to my stomach rolling on my back in laughter.

"You fucking bitch." He exclaims loudly.

The teens walking past us look at us with weird faces.

I see Violet shake her head and start walking away and Eliot is just standing there watching us amused.

Matt gets up and glares at me, while Eliot gives me his hand to get up.

"I hate you." Matt mumbles while wiping off the dust from his leg.

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