Chapter 5

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*Layla's outfit for the party ^*

*Play the song above when you see (*). Only if you want, it just makes the scene better :)

 Only if you want, it just makes the scene better :)

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I am currently in my room with Violet as we get ready for the party tonight. 

Violet is currently doing her makeup while I brush through my curls. 

Eliot is picking us up at eight which is in about ten minutes. 

Once I'm done brushing through my soft curls, I went to grab my phone, keys, and bag. 

I had already done my makeup which was just some concealer, mascara, and cherry lipgloss.

Violet finishes and Eliot texted me saying he was outside. 

Violet walks ahead of me while I lock the house. 

I turn around and head to the back seat since Violet took the front. 

"Well look at you two, finally looking decent for once" Eliot says with a smirk. 

Violet smacks Eliot on the arm and he puts his hands up in surrender. 

"Well look at you, looking the same as always" I say smugly.

He looks through the rearview mirror and glares at me. 

Violet laughs while putting her hand up towards me to high five. 

Eliot starts driving and makes his way to the party. 

Once we get there all I see is drunk teens scattered around the place. 

The house looks full and crowded with different coloured lights that are shining through the windows. 

Eliot parks and we make our way towards the house. 

We walk through the doors and it literally smells like sweat and alcohol.

The house is dark but with different coloured lights flashing everywhere. 

We make our way to the kitchen, Eliot is making me and Violet drinks which is basically just Vodka and Sprite.  

Eliot takes a beer for himself knowing he won't get that drunk on one beer since he is driving. 

I take my drink and gulp it down wanting to feel the alcohol in my system. 

"Damn Lay, already getting yourself pissed." A deep voice says from behind me.

I turn and see Brayden grinning at me, I shake my head and give my cup to Eliot to make me another. 

Brayden comes around to my side and puts his arm over my shoulder. 

The buzz starts kicking in. 

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