Chapter 31

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I race through the empty streets in rage.

Once I spot the house, I get out of the car not bothering to park knowing no one would touch my car.

I rushed inside keeping my face stern and cold as teens parted ways for me.

I went to the nearest bathroom and opened the door seeing that it was empty.

I cursed under my breath and rushed to the next one.

I slammed the doors open, only to be met with an unconscious Layla and a boy kissing her down the neck with his hands on her body, he was dragging her dress down and a hand was cupping her breast.

I ran over to the guy and threw him off her instantly, his body flew and hit the mirror cracking it in the process.

I went over to Layla immediately.

I looked down at her and saw her unconscious self.

Fucking hell.

I pulled her dress up that had fallen to her waist that revealed her bare skin.

I gently tugged her straps back up her arm and then wrapped her small fragile body into my arms.

I looked over at the unconscious boy, who I now recognised to be the host of this party.

Fucking Brayden Panola.

I grab my phone out with my free hand and call Dante.

"Angelo?" He answers.

"I need you to come to Brayden Panola's house. He's unconscious in the second nearest bathroom. Bring him to the warehouse. I'll meet you there later."

I end the call and shove the phone back into my pocket.

I walk through the house as people scattered away from me either looking away or looking confused.

I made it to the car and placed Layla in the back seat laying her down.

I pulled the seat belt over her and shut the door. 

I walked over to my side and got in.

I turned the car on and sped out of the streets.

I glanced at her through the review mirror and watched as she slept peacefully.

I clenched my jaw in anger, feeling the rage course through me. 

The sudden urge to kill him for what he's done to her.

Fucking rich bastard acted as her friend to get into her pants.

He didn't deserve her friendship, her loyalty.

I'm sure she trusted him, and he betrayed her. 

By using her innocence as an advantage to get what he wants, what he desired.

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