Chapter 27

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*Pre warning; Steamy scene in this chapter*

*Edited*Pre warning; Steamy scene in this chapter*

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Landon stepped forward walking towards him, placing his hands in his pockets while staring down at Marcello with an evil glint in his eyes.

"Touch her you die. Look at her again, you die." His deep voice says darkly towards the man.

Landon starts circling him like a predator to it's prey, keeping his face emotionless and unfazed.

"You'd be stupid to even bring her into this," He says keeping his eyes on Marcello with every move he makes.

"Are you stupid?" he asks him.

Before he got the chance to reply Landon continues.

"I don't have time for this, Marcello." He says while looking down at his watch then going back to the man.

"Either way you're going to die tonight." He finishes.

Landon turned around to me and nodded his head for me to come to him.

To which I did, when I made it he leaned down to my ear and whispered,

"Go to the tree over there,

he says pointing to the tree across from us.

Stay behind it. Close your eyes and cover your ears." He finishes.

He doesn't wait for me as he turns around and takes his gun out of his coat.

I quickly run towards the tree and do as told.

I could briefly hear what was happening as the sound of gunshots ran through the area, giving me an instant headache.

I dropped to the ground shaking in fear as my eyes were screwed shut tightly and my ears were covered with my shaky hands.

Streams of tears fell down my face as I shook in fear.

It then goes quiet and all the gunshots stop.

I didn't move from my spot nor did I open my eyes or remove my hands.

About a minute later I feel someone's hands wrap around my wrists making me jump.

I open my eyes and see Landon's cold stoned face.

I sigh in relief as he pulls me up from the ground.

Still shaky, I look up at him through my watery eyes and see his eyes soften.

He pulls me into his arms embracing me in his warmth.

His arms wrap around me protectively as I lay my mascara stained face against his chest.

He rests his chin above my head as I calm down.

We stay like this for a while until he lets go of me and takes his head in front of mine.

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