Bonus Chapter ~ 2

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"Andre, you've got it backwards!" Violet sighs.

I stifle a laugh as Violet forcefully pulled him aside and claimed his spot.

"As if you could do any better,"  Andre remarks as he rubs his arm from her tight grip.

"Of course I can, I'm a woman." She mumbles.

I observe my two bickering friends as they attempt to place the diaper on Nicolo.

"I can!"  Small giggles escape Nicolo's mouth as he yells, clapping his hands together.

The two stop bickering as they swoon over my little boy.

"Of course you can, you're a big boy now, aren't you?" Violet pinched his chubby cheek and cooed.

"Move, the favourite Godfather is here!" Eliot exclaims as he rushes over to them.

I roll my eyes at Eliot as he trips over the mat on the floor, while Andre bursts out laughing and clutches the bed for support.

"Men," Violet mutters to Nicolo as she finishes putting the diaper on him.

The twins were now officially two years old; they had grown so quickly in the past two years that I had no idea where the time had gone.

"Where's my Goddaughter?" Eliot asks.

"With Landon," As I move over to Nicolo, I respond to them.

I picked him up, his small little hands gripped my shirt.

I gushed at him while holding him close to my side, his small green eyes mirroring mine.

From the corner of my eye, I watched Violet help Eliot up the two had finally come out and confessed their feelings for each other.

To be honest, I had been waiting for this moment my entire life

Turning away from the two I walked out the bedroom door, heading towards Landon and my room.

My light footsteps padded on the marble floor, the tiny snores of Nicolo alerted me that he had fallen asleep.

I cautiously creaked the bedroom door open, my eyes shifted around the room until they finally rested on a shirtless Landon and little Arabella.

Arabella's quiet giggles filled the room, and Landon's lips curved into a little smile as he played with Arabella, who rested on his chest.

I bit my lower lip as I saw her try to touch his hair, only to have him catch her little fingers and return them to her lap.

As he took her hand again, repeating the same thing, her quiet squeal filled the room.

I widened the door and stepped into the room to bring awareness to myself.

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