After Prom.

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Meredith's POV:

My whole mind has been thinking of past events. The way he kissed my neck and rubbed my second set of lips with his fingers so gently, the moans I let out and the smiles he gave off of seeing me in pure pleasure. The hard thrusts he gave me over and over again to the point where I had to lean back against the exam table because my back wasn't holding me up good enough. The way he pulled my hair so hard and put his tongue in my-

My mind trailed off before I heard a "Hello?" From George at the front door. Callie quickly runs out of the kitchen to go to him. I smile softly at the two lovebirds before cleaning up the countertops. Finns words go over and over in my head as I throw away the napkins. I get startled when I hear laughing from Callie and footsteps running up the stairs. They always had a thing for each other. But Callie gives me.. bi vibes? Maybe I'm just delusional.

Grabbing the wine cups, I make my way to the sink to pour them out then place them in the sink. Okay, the dishes are drying, I'll wipe the counter in a moment, and-

Turning my back around to head towards the counter, I see Derek at the kitchen door, watching my every move. He smiles as he gets caught.

"Hi." He let's out.

"Hi." I say softly as he approaches the dining table.

"Ah.. I was going to come over this morning but uh.." I interrupt him knowing what happened.

"I heard the quarantine." He nods his head as I lick my dry lips. He stares into my eyes as they trail to my lips and back up. I clear my throat to help with the uncomfortable.. well.. sexual quiet tension? Sure.

He smiles at me, so I do the same back. We both look down at the table but I see his eyes trail up to my prominent breasts that look huge due to my skinny frame. I grab rags off of the dining room table and finally end the silence.

"So.. what does this mean." He stares into my eyes at a lost for words.

"It means.. you.." He takes a deep breath.

"Do you love me?" He blurts out to finish the sentence.

"Well of course I do Derek. Last night was.."

"Wonderful?" He tilts his head.

"Yes.. but we can't. It.. shouldn't have even happened. I love.. Finn more." I knew I just told a complete lie. I loved Derek more. More than anything.

"Last night didn't show enough?" His face gave off a look of sadness, confusion, and anger mixed into one as he slowly walks around the dining table.

"Finn has plans. He wants to do so much and.." I take a deep breath.

"It just isn't fair for him nor me." He stands in front of me with sadness filling his eyes. Why did I say that? His eyes trail to my lips.

"Meredith." He pulls one hand out of his pocket to caress my cheek, which slowly trails to the back of my neck as he forces my head up to his.

"We can't." I shake my head as I stand on my tippy toes, knowing that I want this too.

"We can." He whispers before planting two quick kisses on my lips, giving a hint of, "do I keep going?"

My heart says yes, brain? Yeah. Vagina? Hell yeah.

I go straight in, attacking his lips aggressively and at a fast pace at that like I'm an animal. My hands go to travel behind his neck to roughly play with the ends of his hair, tugging, pulling, spreading each strand apart. He pushes me against the dining room table, which causes it to move a bit. He's aggressive too, must've missed me.

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