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I don't know how long I was out for, just that when I finally woke up, my entire body ached. It took a second for me to remember what happened but as soon as I did I got myself up and started looking for Sam and Kara, they had to still be alive.

I walked outside and saw a massive crowd of kids walking around the fairgrounds. They were playing the games, riding the rides, everyone acting as if nothing had even happened. "Where did all of these people come from?" I asked myself in confusion. "And how is this place up and running again?"

I kept looking around and noticed Kara in the crowd. I could see clearly that she was wearing a completely different costume. In a way, the costume was similar but was more vampire-like with a red and black color scheme. "Where did all of these people come from?" I asked her. Kara laughed. "It's a carnival." She said with a smile. "What would you expect?" She asked before heading off to another tent where a Halloween party was being held.

I watched confusingly as she left but was relieved when I saw Sam in the tent. He was alive and cheerful with everyone else. He was even entertaining others in his zombie costume. Wait a minute, he was a skeleton, wasn't he? I needed to look around, something felt off here.

I walked around watching as everyone else was enjoying their time and nothing was out of the ordinary for a carnival. Well, except for one thing, an old building just a few feet away from the carnival. When I walked over to it, I noticed a rusty metal door.

I looked around in case anyone was watching then opened the door, a massive staircase led downwards and I walked in. As I did I noticed broken carnival equipment and supplies, along with something else, a massive overwhelming stench coming from what looked like a closet in the very back.

As bad as the smell was, it's too late to turn back now. Once I opened that door, I wish I would've left. The stench became suffocating as I looked and saw an endless amount of skeletons on the ground, all in costume and some still rotting. Bugs of different varieties were crawling around the corpses and devouring the costumes with them.

This was my cue to get the hell out of there and I took it. I bolted out of there and went back to the carnival, straight towards Sam and Kara. "We need to get out of here now," I said to them in a warning tone. "They've got-" I paused, now realizing that the scene had changed, the carnival had stopped and everyone was looking at me with emotionless faces. Everyone's costumes were torn and they were pale, including Sam and Kara's.

I started to run when someone appeared in front of me, the boy from before in the same condition as everyone else. "She always knew you'd be the one to destroy her," Kara said. "And we've waited oh so long for this night," Sam added.

Okay, something was wrong here and I needed to get out as fast as possible. I ran off and had just passed where I had woken up before I paused. I turned around, hesitated for a moment, and then walked to the building. "What the hell?" I asked as my panic started rising

Inside the building was something I didn't expect to see, my own body. It was limped against the wall with broken bones and blood spilled. I shook my head and turned around, Sam and Kara appeared in front of me.

"Who are you, people?" I asked, looking at both of them. "You haven't figured it out?" Sam asked. It was at this moment I finally took a good look at the costumes and remembered something. These were the same ones from the legend.

"George," I said, looking at Sam. "Mikayla?" I asked. Both of them were silent as they dragged me back to the others. They welcomed me with emotionless faces to the family.

"What about my home," I asked Sam and Kara. "My mom, I need to" Kara stopped me. "Oh, don't worry about that," She told me. "She'll be fine, eventually." She added. "What're you talking about?" I asked.

Back home, my mom had just got back and locked the door. "Wasn't expecting to work tonight otherwise I would've said something." She said. "How was your night?" She asked as she placed everything up.

Meanwhile, up in my room, a note lay on my bed. "Don't bother looking for him," The note read. "Jake is with me." It went on. "He is not the only one, all the children will feel my wrath." It read in a warning. "They are my prisoners until fear eats them alive," It continued. "They will pay for my death." It ended along with the signature of the one and only, Nanny Clownface.

Chillers #2 "The Wolves' Curse" Coming soon

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