𝐯𝐢𝐢. 𝑓𝑙𝑢𝑓𝑓

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☁︎ 𝑓𝑙𝑢𝑓𝑓

I moved in Yorknew weeks ago. The thought of living in an urban area is not that good for I've been living in a province for most of my life.  

In spite of having myself being transferred in my new school, the people weren't that welcome to newcomers, especially the ones who came from a rural community. 

Me being awkward is a potential reason why they were limiting their conversation with me at school, but who gives, I don't need that much company anyways.  

To my relief, there is this guy that made me feel valued at school. His name is Gon, who coincidentally also lived from a province. A harbor, to be precise.  

"(Your name), come eat with us!" Gon enthusiastically invited me, as he pulled a chair nearby for me to sit on.  

I'm lucky to have such a really sweet friend, however his best friend doesn't seem to agree with him hanging out with me.  

For a second, my gaze drifted to the silver-haired guy and he seemed unhappy and disagreeing with the idea of Gon inviting me. Suddenly I felt dejected, and I withdrew. 

"It's okay, thank you anyways." 

I can feel Gon's sad stare when I rejected his offer. I would go, but I don't want him and his friend to argue because of a disagreement. 

My mother is a head chef under an exclusive company, so I felt a twinge of guilt for not being able to share the buttered chicken she prepared for me, in which I thought I could share with Gon and the others. Unfortunately, I thought wrong.  

Amidst lunch break, there were only the three of us in the room since the rest of our classmates went to the cafeteria, some of them heading to the gym to spend their free time.  

That was when the class representative of ours came in out of nowhere, and asked Gon to participate for the campus' voluntary assistance for the rest of the day. 

Gon happily accepted the invite and left with our classmate, leaving only me and Killua being ensued with an uneasy silence. I have no idea what made me so nervous and awkward around this guy, perhaps because I'm aware he doesn't to be around me? 

With that thought, I placed the lid back on my lunch and left the room. In that way, I can at least ease the unusual tension we somehow have between us.  

After a few minutes of walking around the corridors, I suddenly felt like eating. I heaved out a sigh, for the thought of returning to the classroom. 

Approaching the classroom, I see that Killua isn't on his seat. 

Rather, he's sitting right across my desk, his lunch seating next to mine. 

"What are you doing?" 

Due to my disbelief, those words came right out my mouth, startling Killua in the process of him chowing down his food. 

Killua was flustered. He raised his one hand up quickly, indicating to wait as he prevented himself from choking.

The situation wasn't awkward for me at all, but I do find him unusual when he was caught off-guard.

"Uh…" Killua paused, and avoided my gaze, "I'm eating obviously." he muttered quietly, but I was able to hear him clearly. 

Raising a brow, "On my desk?" I asked inquisitively.

Killua didn't respond immediately. He murmured words to himself as though he's still figuring out what he will say.  

I said nothing, and stood there patiently as I waited for his answer.  

In the end, Killua gave up thinking and faced up to me. "Wanna eat lunch together?" he asked in a reluctant tone.  

"You sure? You don't seem thrilled when Gon invited me to have lunch with you two." 

Killua cursed to himself under his breath when he heard that. "You don't get it," he started, and his gaze shifted somewhere away from mine. He looked timid, which is very unusual to see.

"It's not like I don't want to... " Killua trailed off in reluctance. In the end he heaved a sigh of defeat and said, "Nevermind. Don't you want to have lunch with me or not? I mean, if you don't want to I can return to my seat—" 

"Of course." 

After school

"You're welcome, Killua~"  Gon teased his best friend since lunch break. 

It was Gon's plan all along. Ever since he became your friend, he noticed his best friend is taking a liking to her. 

Killua was nervous, and wasn't prepared for any interaction with you earlier, so Gon's plan of inviting you to lunch backfired. However, his backup plan worked even better than he anticipated.  

Annoyed by his best friend's teasing. "Tch." Killua looked away, a faint pink brushing his cheeks.  

"Yeah, yeah. Thanks." Killua uttered finally, as he tried himself not to smile until he finally got to his home. 


I had to redownload the app to publish this. 

This is short, but I hope you had fun reading this.

Thank you for your support. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2021 ⏰

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𝐂𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐇 𝐾.𝑍𝑜𝑙𝑑𝑦𝑐𝑘 𝚘𝚗𝚎-𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝 𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚔Where stories live. Discover now