𝐯𝐢. 𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑠𝑡

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☔︎ 𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑠𝑡

Reminder: They're all aged up. I'm not quite skilled at making stuff like this, but I hope you will enjoy this one-shot  :) 

"Man, I can tell you have a thing for Killua." Leorio teased. Cackling as he nudges his elbow to yours repeatedly. 

Even though he's drunk, Leorio still has the urge to make fun of you which you find lowkey impressive though exasperating. 

Upon hearing what he said caused blood to rush up to your face. You got startled that you almost knocked your glass over on the counter. Thankfully, you're swift enough to catch it before it did. 

You frantically set the glass far enough this time so you wouldn't knock it over once again. "Wh-what? No. Of course not!" you denied. The pitch of your voice increasing caused by your embarrassment. 

This earned a skeptical yet deceptive look from the man sitting beside you. A smirk grazing his lips which irks you as always. Even in Leorio's drunk state, he can still embarrass who he wants effortlessly. 

Whipping your head away, the first you glimpsed upon is your best friend Gon,  who apparently is passed out on the carpet. He isn't drunk at all. 

The ravennette just hasn't gotten enough sleep for the past few weeks after the countless missions he had gotten to. 

However, on the couch is a certain silverette that somehow made your heart aflutter.  

Suiting his pale frame is Killua's fluffy silver hair that is all over the place as usual, matching with the ocean eyes of his that never fails to mesmerize you.

'Damn.' you thought. Not noticing that you're already staring at him for quite long. 

A simple nudge on your side dragged you back to reality. "Hey hey~ don't strip Killua by your eyes." Leorio teased once more, but this time in a discreet manner. 

Shooting him an icy glare, "Fuck you." you scowled. You mean it with all your heart.

Leorio only laughed at your reaction which infuriates you even more than before. Just as you were supposed to bicker, the adult rose himself from his seat, wobbling when he turned.  

When the adult rambled his way into his room, he almost fell. But props to the wall that prevented him from getting his face planted on the tiled floor. 

"You okay, birthday boy?" you asked teasingly. You were trying your best to contain your laughter, for you didn't want to disrupt the other's sleep. 

"Yeah, yeah. Wake me up by eight, alright?" Leorio slurred. The amount of alcohol he had taken must have reached his limits already. 


As Leorio door closes shut, the living room is eventually engulfed by silence. You're planning on hitting the sack as well, but you wouldn't allow yourself to wake up in a household looking ransacked. 

You proceeded organizing the mess the whole gang made first. Before entering your room which is located beside the living room. 

Just like what you usually do, you always make sure that you closed the door shut and locked it. 

Extreme exhaustion took over you to the point you didn't even bother opening the lights, and instead hopped straight to bed. 

You were about to drift yourself off to slumberland when somehow - out of all times - Killua randomly came across your  mind. 

"Frick." you cursed beneath your breath, kicking your sheets in order to vent your anger and frustration. 

You can't seem to get rid of Killua's image after that. As you were trying your best to do so, you can feel your whole face ridiculously heating up. 

𝐂𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐇 𝐾.𝑍𝑜𝑙𝑑𝑦𝑐𝑘 𝚘𝚗𝚎-𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝 𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚔Where stories live. Discover now