𝐢𝐯. 𝑓𝑙𝑢𝑓𝑓

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☁︎ 𝑓𝑙𝑢𝑓𝑓
Warning: Vulgar words ahead. ⚠︎

(Your name)'s point of view~

I was rushing my way to Killua's home from work since Killua's not been answering my phone lately which somehow bothers me. He's been acting so weird lately and I didn't know why. I even inquired Gon about it but he only dodge the question everytime.

Since this morning I haven't received any replies from my boyfriend, I already spammed him messages but he didn't even bother to reply something back.

I was getting frustrated that I almost lost my focus at work and had to dismiss myself early to check on Killua. Like what's happening to him? Is he hiding secrets from me? Is he slowly losing interest in our relationship?

All those thoughts flooding inside my head suddenly made me anxious although I was trying my best not to think about it.

With the sound of the elevator indicating that I have already arrived my floor, I stepped out adnd went to search for his door which is no. [random number < 100]. Before I could dug out the spare keys from my bag, I felt something weird all of sudden.

I attempted to shoo the negative thoughts away, heaving a sigh after. As soon as I twisted the knob, I heard a clear voice of a girl inside

"Shit, is this the wrong room?" I asked to myself, glancing up to the metal sign with Killua's room number in it. My heart sank knowing that it is indeed his room.

The next thing I heard made my mind blank after.

"Shh... baby girl, be quiet,"

Killua's voice.

I somehow feel disgusted at that point, but I knew I had to do it. Bursting my way in, with my very own eyes, I saw my boyfriend— Killua Zoldyck half naked on the bed.

I didn't know what to do after.

At this point, I already dropped my stuffs on the floor, my tears uncontrollably pouring out and both of my hands are shaking with rage and despair. I desperately want to drag the girl out of the building by pulling her hair, and I almost did it.

Grabbing the nearest object near me— which is a vase, I slammed the object on the floor without a second thought. It's pieces shattered everywhere and Killua turned his head to me in utter shock.

"H-Hey babe—" his voice cracked.

"Babe your ass, enjoy slamming your dick to that bitch. We're done,"

Killua's point of view~

Gon accompanied me to pull this prank to (Your name) for a long time. I got everything set up and (Your name)'s on her way here.

"Are you sure about this, Killua?" Gon asked in a worried tone.

"We're just pulling a prank on her, nothing bad will happen I swear," I reassured, setting the wig and the bluetooth speaker before removing my shirt.

All of sudden I heard rustling from the door, for sure it's (Your name). I immediately told Gon to hide as I positioned myself. There the prank began... which didn't go as planned.

"Babe your ass, enjoy slamming your dick to that bitch. We're done,"

Even though I made her like that, it still stings. It was my first time seeing her freak out like that, and I already feel sorry for what I did. (Your name) was crying and I felt awful about making her cry.

With Gon bursting out from the closet, "Go catch up to her, she must be really upset," Gon adviced, tossing me my shirt.

"I messed up, big time," I panicked as I frantically put my shirt back on.

"Yeah, I can see that," Gon then faced the shattered pieces of the vase that (Your name) threw. I can't believe she even broke the vase to pieces, that is very unsual of her.

Sprinting my way out of the apartment, I finally catch up to her on the elevator. She must have noticed me approaching her so she quickly remove her heels and headed to the stairs.

"(Your name) wait!" I called out to her but she didn't listen.

"Fuck," I mumbled under my breath and followed her. As soon as I made my way down I heard (Your name)'s voice crying, resonating the whole place. Seeing her this broken instantly shattered my heart to pieces.

She was sitting on the stairs, hands on her face. I slowly made my way to her, wrapping my hands around her. She continued on crying.

"(Your name) please," tears are starting to form on the corner of my eyes, "Here me out," I started, removing her hands from her face, wiping her tears on the side of her cheek after, "What I did is really mean, I know... I should have think about it before pulling that stupid prank," I grumbled, wrapping her around my arms, not wanting to let go.

She didn't respond after.

"Please don't end our relationship here. I-I admit that I was being an asshole but please, I want to spend the rest of my life with you, (Your name). I am s-sorry," I pressed my forehead against her shoulder, already sobbing like a desperate little kid.

"You're so mean," (Your name) hugged me back, burying her face on my chest.

We stayed like that for a short while. Thumbing her (hair color) locks behind her ear, I leaned towards her to a kiss. After that, I pressed my forehead against hers with our eyes locked to each other, "I love you, (Your name). I'm really sorry for what I did," I whispered, giving her a peck on the lips one last time.

"I love you too, Killua. I apologize also about the vase..." she trailled off, averting her gaze away with a pout, yes, freakin' adorable.

"It's nothing, how about we watch the footage and see how scary you were earlier?" I teased as I playfully pinched her cheeks. (Your name) then gave me a stern look, smacking my head after.

"Owww, I was just kiddinggggg!"

End of story

𝐂𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐇 𝐾.𝑍𝑜𝑙𝑑𝑦𝑐𝑘 𝚘𝚗𝚎-𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝 𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚔Where stories live. Discover now