Chapter 7 - the hunt begins

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Bold letters with ' will be the dinosaurs words when talking to each other which they will do in this chapter and maybe others also when we are not in their prov.

Yuki was working on her laptop the army gave her, she had been given codes and passwords to get into the satellites and radar systems they had. She muttered as she was checking the satellites trying to find the escaped dinosaurs.

She heard growling and looked to see Wave and Flap growling at each other, setting the laptop down she stood up. Walking over to the railing.

"Hey that's enough, nock it off you two" she said clapping her hands.

Wave gave a loud roar advancing on Flap, Fang woke up immediately and lunged at the spinosarous. Wave whined as he was thrown to the floor, Fangs foot holding him down as he growled at him.

'What has gotten into you Wave?!' Fang asked with a growl.

'I don't know....I just don't like the thought of the others being loose here' wave said, as he calmed down.

'We have to get those anger issues taken care of' Flap said as he walked around from behind the Rex.

'He's always angry...i don't think he'll lose his temper that easily' Viper said as he stayed in his sleeping spot.

"Wave!" A soft voice yelled.

Wave turned his head enough to see the human girl and watch as she frowned. She gave a loud sigh and shook her head, he knew she wasn't happy but she also never stayed mad for long.

Yuki walked down the steps and over to them. Rex removed his large foot off his neck, Yuki reached out and cupped his huge face. Resting her head on his jaw.

"Wave why are you always lashing out at the others? Is there something that's bothering you somehow?" She asked.

Wave nudged her gently with a soft grunt. She smiled as she scratched under his jaw. Rex picked her up and sat her back on the platform.

"Yuki! Any news yet?" Fowler asked as he must've just gotten there and walked over.

"Not yet sir....I'm doing my best to find them, oh hang on...there we go there's one. And I ask you don't kill them I want to collect them all and possibly return them to the island where they belong" Yuki said.

"We can try child, I can't make any promises" Fowler said.

"Alright boys let's go I'm bringing Yuki and her pets along" Fowler said.

"Ratchet can you bridge us to the base?" Fowler asked.

"Naturally" the old medic said as he powered up the ground bridge.

(Time skip)

Yuki was on Fangs back, the army up in the air, Fowler said he was going to stay close to Yuki to keep her safe. And he was skeptical of riding a dinosaur. He sat behind Yuki as Fang tried to make sure the new rider didn't all off, he was only used to Yuki. They all were.

'How's the new rider' Wave asked.

'He could learn to sit still more, all his moving is making it hard to keep him from falling' Fang growled.

"Fowler try to sit still please, the more your still the better your chances of you not falling" Yuki said.

"Sorry kid, I'm not used to riding a dinosaur" Fowler said sarcastically.

"No duh, there's no ranches that teach you how, but it's kinda like a horse. You work with them not against them" Yuki said.

"Say what?! These animals are nothing like a horse!" He said.

"Try it, Flap over here, Fang down" Yuki called.

"Go on get on Flaps back, now he is built for speed like the raptor but work with him not against him" Yuki said with a smile.

"Fine I'll try" Fowler said.

(Mini time skip)

Yuki had nearly laughed herself off Fangs back, Fowler has yelled like a girl as Flap took off, the man slid down around the underside of the neck. Making it hard for Flap to stay balanced.

The other three each gave a look to the medium sized meat eater, while Flap growled and tried to keep the man upright this time.

"See the more you work with him the better you Stacy on" Yuki smirked.

"Yeah yeah...I don't think he likes me much...I mean I did make him topple over three times" Fowler said.

"You just need more practice, that's all" Yuki said.

Before Fowler could answer a loud roar sounded and loud thumping was heard. The others in the air hovered behind them keeping the helicopters steady. Fowler nearly fainted at the size of the new dinosaur that came from around the trees.

"Oh boy" Yuki said.

"What is this one?" Fowler asked.

"....Suchomimus....large animal, they can swim and live near waters...they are known to be part of the spinosaurs family, only with a smaller fin." Yuki said.

"Can these four handle him, uh her?" Fowler asked.

".....maybe...I don't know they are powerful just like the spinosaur, now if they work in sync maybe Viper would have to keep away from his jaws" Yuki said looking down at the smallest.

"Alright boys try to work around these three" Fowler spoke into the radio.

'Copy that' one answered.

The suchomimus roared and charged the group. Fang gave a loud roar of his own, Wave crouched and hissed at the large beast. Flap was about to work his way to start tripping and distracting the large one.

Yuki pulled Fowler back towards Viper and watched the three fight the suchomimus, who was currently winning.

"FANG!" Yuki cried trying to run out.

"YUKI NO!" Fowler pulled her back.

Wave ran over and head butted the larger off of Fang, standing over him keeping the suchomimus at bay. Flap then made his way over and tripped him as he was to approach the two again.

Viper cawed at them and Yuki swore he was cheering the others on. She looked back to see Fang getting up and Wave keeping him behind him.

"Fowler do the guys have the sedatives ready?" Yuki asked.

"Yes, why?" Fowler asked.

"Fire...Fire now!" Yuki cried.

"Alright boys let's knock this big boy down" Fowler said.

The helicopters moved forward and started to fire at the large animal. The suchomimus gave a cry looking up at them. Then two had nets ready to drop, as soon as they both reached and passed they dropped the nets. The suchomimus fell to the ground with a growl. The sedative working it's way through the animal.

"Give him a few.." Yuki called walking over.

'You harm her and you'll regret it!' Fang warned.

'What could I do?...those humans did something and I'm trapped under this web' the suchomimus said groggily.

"Hey big guy....I'm sorry for the rough treatment, I know this new place must seem scary to you. New place more you wanna go back home? I want to help get all you dinonapped guys home" Yuki spoke softly petting the animals snout.

The suchomimus stared at her and he had to admit he could get the idea why these four liked her so much, protected her. She was so sweet, so caring. She didn't show any fear towards him.

'Interesting human...' the suchomimus huffed.

'Indeed she is, and it's our job to protect her' Fang growled.

"What's the call kid?" Fowler asked as he walked up to Yuki.

"....I dunno why but...I wanna keep him, it's almost like he is all alone he has no one waiting for him" Yuki said.

"I'm sorry you want to keep him?" Fowler asked.

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