Chapter 8 - catching more escaped dinosaurs

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Yuki sat on the loft as she watched the suchomimus laying in a corner of the base, she also watched Fang as he watched the new member. Yuki still couldn't think of a name for him she was drawing a blank. She wrote down many names you could give a pet, but none seemed to fit.

"YUKI!" Miko shouted.

"AHHH! MIKO!" Yuki cried.

"Hehe whatcha doing?" Miko asked.

"Trying to think up of a name for the suchomimus" Yuki said.

"...that's a tough one...maybe...Uhm..Storm, cause he's black with grey highlights" Miko said.

"That's wonderful, he looks like a storm to me" Yuki smiled.

Miko smiled as she watched Yuki get up and go down the steps, and walk over to the black giant. She was happy that she could help give the new giant a name.

The suchomimus heard the small girl come over so he lifted his head and watched her. He lowered his head and huffed at her, Yuki chuckled at him as she petted his snout.

"I have finally come up with a name for you, big guy. How does Storm sound?" She asked.

The suchomimus gave another huff and nudged her. Yuki laughed taking that as a yes. Fang calmly watched the girl. He knew that once she named something she wouldn't let them go. He just hoped the suchomimus would agree to stay with them to be apart of their odd pack.

Yuki turned to Fang and ran toward him. He gave a low growl and lowered his head just in time to Yuki jumping onto his head.

"Let's go for a stroll you guys, cmon" Yuki beamed.

Ratchet grumbled as he opened the ground bridge and waited for everyone going to be through. Once they all left he closed it and got back to work.


Yuki smiled as she breathed in the fresh air. All her beloved dinos kept up with Fang. Each giant just casually walking, the raptor jogging now and again to keep up. Yuki sat cross legged on Fangs head. Staring at the clouds.

She heard a noise and motioned fang to go towards the noise. As they came into view they saw an allosaurus being attacked by some weird people.

"HEY LEAVE THAT ALLOSAURUS ALONE!" She yelled catching them off guard.

The Dino took that time to fight back, and escaped into the trees. The men all retreated and flew off. Yuki watched them leave and gave a huff. She looked back towards the broken branches.

"Hey Ratchet" Yuki spoke into her cell.

'What is it?' The medic answered.

"I found another escaped Dino, an allosaurus this time. I need the army to come to my location" she said.

'Right contacting Fowler now' Ratchet said as he hung up.

"Ok fellas, time to wait for back up" Yuki said.

(Time skip)

The group tracked the Carnivore down and found him by a river. Yuki saw all the cuts covering his body, she felt so bad for him. She slowly walked out but froze when he hissed. Fang walked out with a loud growl, silencing the Allosaurus.

"It's ok big fella, I won't hurt you, I know you're scared...but if you can trust me just a little bit, I can help get you home...see that large metal plane? It will take you home...and I as well as my Dino's, will go to make sure you get home" she said softly.

'She speaks the truth' Fang said with a huff.

'Very well...I won't attack while being taken home' the allo said as he slowly stood up and limped over to Fang.

Fang helped the injured Allo into the plane and his small family loaded in with Yuki. Some soldiers climbing in and others back into the helicopters.

They began their flight to the island, Yuki watched the poor Allo lick his wounds. She hoped he would heal fast.


As the cargo plane landed the large door opened, the Allo slowly but quickly ran out of the plane. He slowed to a stop at the tree lines and looked back at the others.

'Thank you great one, if we ever meet again I will show my gratitude' he said giving a loud cry at everyone before rushing off into the woods, his cries still being heard the further he went.

"I dunno what he may have said to you Fang, but I think he is happy to be home" Yuki smiled.

Fang huffed and gave a couple nods of his head making Yuki gasp but laugh. She smiled as she told everyone they were good to go home.

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