Chapter 4 - The Decepticons first meeting with the beasts

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A month had passed as Yuki slowly but surely began to adjust to civilization again, her Dino's now had a special farm outside of town that raised livestock to feed the beasts.

Yuki has almost changed her mind on the farm but she had no other idea how to feed her friends and letting eat all the wild life wasn't an option eaither.

The Autobots were at a mine they found, Fowler gave them train carts that usually held coal or logs to etc. To place energon crystals in, Yuki more than happy to lend her three giants to help haul them easier as a means for allowing them to stay at base.

Rate now Yuki was on a rock with Miko and Raf and Jack, each chatting up a storm watching the bots work.

"Do you think these guys can fight the cons?" Miko asked.

"Maybe as long as they don't get any serious injuries of any kind I don't think that's a problem" Yuki mused.

"Megatron has a canon blaster on his arm that might really hurt them, is that still ok knowing he could kill them?" Jack asked.

".......depends if he can hit his target really well, I mean he might have trouble with Flap so the other two will be fine" Yuki said with a smile.

"How?" Raf asked looking up at the girl who was higher on the rock.

"Well on the island Flap was the one who distracted anything big and powerful to allow Fang and Wave to attack from behind without being seen, then Viper comes in shortly after" Yuki explained.

"Wow, that's team work, and from different breeds no less" Jack said surprised.

"I know I was amazed when I saw them hunt for the first time, they are like brothers from different breeds" Yuki smiled watching the four sleep in the trees until they were needed.

On the other side of the field watching the humans and bots where the Decepticons waiting to attack.

Megatron smirked and then called for them to move in, the vehicons and Eradicons all ran forward catching Smokescreen off guard for a moment until he yelled for help.

The teens all heard the fighting and watched from their not for long safe spot until a certain seeker came up to them.

"Starscream" Jack frowned.

"Tis is I, shall we do this the easy way or the hard way?" The seeker asked servo held out as he spoke.

"How about neither" Miko snapped.

"Unlikely femme, you see I was put in charge to catch you three....wait...there's four of you now when did you get a fourth human?!" Starscream asked spotting Yuki.

"A while ago.....she's special and untouchable screamer" Miko said teasing the seeker.

"ITS STARSCREAM! I blame that medic for starting that.....oh well four is better than three" he smiled reaching for them.

The four jumped off the rock before getting caught but Yuki wasn't so lucky to avoid capture.

"YUKI!" The three called out.

Bumblebee heard the kids and saw the seeker he rushed over to help only to miss the seeker and got kicked into the rock wall.

Yuki smiled at the seeker making him frown at her wondering why she was smiling, his left optic twitched at her stare.

"WHAT?!" He yelled.

Slowly she put her fingers in her mouth once she had a deep breath and let out a loud long.


Bumblebee quickly picked up the three and before Starscream knew it he saw three very large beasts and a smaller one come out of the bushes.

Gasping as they glared at him, he tossed Yuki to the scout, Fang gave a loud cry scaring the poor seeker now charging at him.

"GAAAH! STAY AWAY STAY AWAY!" He yelled running off from the three.

Viper stayed close to Yuki watching the three giants chase the seeker he cawed loudly as if cheering the three on.


Everyone stopped fighting the Autobots quickly moved away and watched as the seeker ran passed them not stopping.

"STARSCREAM I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO GRAB THE HUMANS! WHERE AR-" Megatron was cut short when Fang cried out again along with the other two.

They all watched the beasts chase the seeker, he made quick turns around trees only to have to jump over Flap when he didn't go around the trees.

"HEEEELLLLLP MEEEEEE!" Starscream cried quickly climbing up a big enough tree to hold him.

The three circled the tree gowling up at him, making him whine in fear, Megatron was confused before he shook his head aiming at the Spinosaurus.

"NO!" Yuki yelled.

Optimus quickly ran forward before the warlord could fire making his aim up into the sky.

Fang heard the shot and turned his attention to the two bigger bots and walked forward Yuki quickly climbing up his tail to his neck when she jumped off Bees servo.

"Next time Optimus, DECEPTICONS FALL BACK!" Megatron ordered, waiting for one to move his backside.

"STILL STUCK UP HERE!" Starscream yelled down to his lord.

"Sigh.....times I wish I could hand him over to you Prime......jump and transform Starscream your a seeker for Primus sake! Fly you fool" Megatron grumped.

"Oh right...of course" Starscream gave a small blue blush leaping out of the tree and transformed flying away.

Everyone watched as Megatron followed his sic going back to harvesting the mine before they came back.

"Still funny" Yuki smiled.

(Back to Base)

Having finished the harvest everyone who got hurt in the fight was treated the energon prossessing.

Ratchet was working on the Sync energon and watching the kids while Arcee, Smokescreen, and Bumblebee were out on patrol.

Bulkhead went for a stasis nap and Optimus was busying himself by decoding more relics before the cons did.

Flap was buried under Fangs head and Waves head acting like a pillow for them and they acted like a blanket for him. Viper was resting against Fangs side snoring lightly.

Yuki was sleeping on Fangs head, laying flat on her back she moaned in her sleep rolling to lay on her side, Fang even though he was sleeping gave a deep huff as the girl moved.

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