Its bloody freezing

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Reader PoV
"I can't feel my toes, I'm going tot freeze to death."
"It's going to be sunny (name) there is no need for you I bring a coat" I sarcastically recite annabeths oh so knowledgeable words.
Looks like Gaea is going to win the war because this demigod is going to die from hypothermia. I look at my fingers, oh god their going blue. dammit.
That's when i see something, a cave. thank olympus I might live to see the next sun rise. I scuttle along running clumsily through the snow but it might also to do with the fact I can't feel any part of my legs from my knee down awards.

I begin to rub my hands together, almost there, I fin sly reach the clearing and use all my remaining strength to clamber inside.
Lucking I was able to find some wood which was dry. I felt around in my pockets and found my lighter, it was low on juice but it would have to do.
The fire flickered and I felt tears well up in my eyes. The embers flew up in to the air, they showed a beautiful dance of heat and warmth. I felt so alone. why.

I missed him and fire was him. I missed his dirty face,and amazing laugh. His jokes had me in stitches,unlike everyone else. I wanted to touch the fire, maybe it could be a substitute for his hand.

"Leo" i whispered tears running down my face. the wind howled and just as I fell asleep, the fire died, I would die in my sleep from lack of heat. such is life, my only regret was not seeing his face one last time.

Leo PoV
The moment I heard her cry I knew she had gone and fallen into the portal. she had been taken to the part of Texas khione had decided to grace with a horrible snow storm. I knew she wouldn't last long, the poor girl was only in a tank top and shorts; her shoes weren't ideal but perhaps they would work, combat boots were supposed to keep ur toes cosy. I grabbed her jumper and Ran at the portal hurling myself threw, piper and Jason followed suit. in the snow I saw a human sized deny it had (name)s annoyed and slightly terrified face implanted. piper gave a light giggle (name) and her were good friends. the idea of her going missing was obviously worrying her, Jason held her hand trying to comfort her. we followed her foot prints into the storm,its was getting harder and harder to track her. I couldn't see a thing. getting frustrated I called out her name.
"(Name) where are YA chica?come on (name) tell me !" I was getting scared she was t replying.

That's when piper saw it ;smoke !
It was coming from an abandoned miners cave.
I could of mistaken her for an angel.
She lay so still her(s/c) body growing pale. her hair spilled down her back.
"Oh Pluto " Jason said his eyes finally meeting (names) shivering form. I ran over to her and hugged her tightly. she was cold but breathing. I heard her heartbeat speed up. She opened her beautiful eyes and it was only then I noticed I was crying.
She held her chilled hand to my face and smiled. so I kissed her. I felt her face heat up. after I broke away she looked at me,rather stunned.
"It's bloody freezing" she deadpanned making me laugh.

Oh my god I actually did it I wrote my first ever fan fiction about leo Valdez . tell me if you like it

Love cub 🐻🐻🐻

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