Girls night

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Piper groaned next to me as her sisters began to curl her hair.
"When you said a girls night I thought we would be doing something fun" I whisper in her ear.
"Oww that hurt be careful" Shelby Drew's only friend and other bitchy sibling cried.
"Any way why is sweaty here" she said huffing and tossing her bleached hair over her shoulder.
she didn't give me time to reply.
"So let's get down to business, boys !!!!" She cried happily and many of the girls squealed.
"Jason is so hot"
I saw Pipers eye brow twitch in annoyance.
"No way ! Percy is the sexiest" I cringed knowing behind me Annabeth was sharpening her dagger.
"What about frank have you seen those muscles... damn" Hazel blushed and I felt the earth shaking slightly. Annabeth grabbed her hand to comfort her.
"But ladies have you seen Leo my how that boy has flourished, he is ripped and I would just love to run my hands through those crazy curls"
I looked at Piper she was fuming, I puffed out my cheeks and huffed.

Time skip brought to you by Bob !
I had been sat for a couple hours with Piper on her game boy, Annabeth and Hazel were playing chess; Annabeth for the strategy Hazel for the fun.
I was about to fall asleep when, I heard Annabeth high pitched scream.
"Oh my Gods get it away !"
My eyes widened at the sight of a huge ass spider.
Then I realised it was plastic.
"Annie its plastic" she jumped behind me knocking over the chess board. Hazel picked up the fake spider and threw it away in a bin.
A squeaky laughter could be heard.
Drew wiped her eyes from the tears.
"I wish I had got that on camera you looked like a ghost." Annabeth rubbed her arms up and down. Hazel rubbed her back comforting her,Piper rolled her eyes.
"ARE WE ACTUALLY GONNA DO ANYTHING FUN ?!?!??" I cried over their annoying laughter.
"Okay how about we do some dares." Shelby suggests
I nod " that sounds better than talking about boys." Piper laughed.
" Piper I dare you to sneak into the Zeus cabin and steal a pair of Jason's underwear. Piper blushes slightly but grins
"Alrighty" she gets up and whispers to us three of I'm not back Jason has probably killed me" we all nod in synchro
"Hazel I dare you to take franks bow!" Hazel gets up quickly and totters off to find her boyfriends prized weapon.
"Annabeth I dare you to take Percy's pillow pet" Annabeth rolls her eyes at the childish dare.
" I dare you {y/n} to steal Leo's tool belt" i rub my hands in utter delight. a daughter of Hermes wanted to steal, this was something I could do in my sleep with both hands behind my back.

I skipped along, and came to the Hephaestus cabin.
" Let's do this thang" I began to carefully open Leo's window.
I vaulted inside the room and saw it there, too easy, way too easy. I wondered where he was.
Oh well
I shrug and pick up the belt, but soon a red light begins to bleep t gets louder and louder.
"Crumbs ! Shhhh shhhh shhh shut up shut up, you stupid thing quiet !!!!" I begin to hit the thing.
A door swings open and there stands a shirtless Leo.
He sees me and smirks.
"Hello (yn) what brings you to this place" he clicks a button on the belt and it stops squealing.
"Back off Valdez I'm a busy person" I begin to back away I grab onto the windowsill but to my dismay he had managed to lock that aswell.
"Crumbs...." I turn around two hands perch either side of my head. I feel my face heat up.
"Well since you're here..." he suddenly scopes me up and he drops me on his bed. my hair is sprawled over the sheets. leo leans down and kisses me sweetly.

"Movie time ! " He turns on his laptop and connects it to a projected he made himself, this boy is a bloody genius.
He sits me in between his legs and hugs me tightly. I lean back against him and smile shyly.

Some time passes, when I feel him begin to play with my hair. I love the feeling.
"You known all the girls were talking about the males of the 8 ( you are a part of the prophecy you will kick Gaeas butt ! )
They think you're really good looking" I whisper. Leo groans and I look up surprised. he grabs my chin.
"I don't really care what they think, they only like me now, unlike you I have a feeling you have liked me forever."
My face erupts into the colour of a tomato.
" The only one who would make me feel happy when they say they like my looks is you, cause I love you." he whispered and kisses my forehead.
" I love you too,.." he smiles "soot head" he laughs and I kiss him in synchro with the tv screen which was doing the same thing.

He was mine so Shelby can back off.

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