Request Im not calypso !

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This was a request by @infinitysprinkles456

Reader pov
We were all getting ready for the big feast, i gotta hand it to the aphrodite girls, they can do up someone real fancy, the dress was an electric blue which helped bring out my features. Thalia my sister, smiled at me and motioned for me to spin. i did so and she sighed happily.
"Leo is going to Love it !" She squealed sounding incredibly out of character.
I grinned my hands sparking electrically, i was getting all buzzed just thinking about it.

The time came, all of the girls Exited the Aphrodite cabin and giggling happily we departed to where the ball/ feast was being hosted.

I looked around joyously hopping to spot Leo.
"Calypso?" I spun round trying to spot the goddess... she wasnt here... leo had called me Calypso, my heart sunk.

"Im not calypso!!!" I shouted angrily, hot tears rolled down my face and without knowing i released a bolt of electricity near his foot.
I cried again and flew of to the tree tops needing some comfort.

I stood in the air crying, i heard a fluttering noise and glanced over to see Quinn( this is my oc shes the daughter of Demeter)
"We got worried bout you" she said her strong english accent clearly audible.
"I dont care, he called me Calypso of all things, it would hurt less if he called me fat ! " Fresh tears now trickled down my face.

"Oh ,(yn) if there is one thing you must learn about boys its the fact they do incredibly stupid things!" She grinned "he loves you so much (yn) you can see it in his eyes!" She happily said.
"How do you know ?" I asked sniffling, i was thankful this make up was magical.
"I dont Dakota does he said he could feel the connection between you two"
"If thats what Dakota says then maybe its true" i whispered miserably
"Course its true, he spoke with Adonis he's a god of love he knows what he's going on about, when Adonis sees love he makes sure those together, why do you think dakota asked me out the moment we met, because mr Know it all told him too, for love !?" She grinned again, she was head over heels in love just like me.
"The gods created man with two faces,four arms and four legs fearing their power zeus split them in half, splitting their heart along with it, mortal were forced to find their other half, regardless if they were man or woman.
"Leo is your other half" Quinn said and with that like the cheshire Cat she was gone.
I sat their stunned "my other half?"
"(Yn!] i perked up to see Jason carrying leo by the arms towards me ?
"Look i shouldnt of called you calyspo Im sorry!" His curls were all skew wiff and he looked frazzled.
"You were at a weird angle! I dont love that crazy old hag ! I love you" he bellowed crazily
" I love you to leo.. So much" i whispered happy tears falling down my face.

I soared over to him
"Mi amour" he whispered in my ear and we kissed.
"DUDE THAT IS MY SISTER !" Jason cried dropping Leo angrily making me hold him up.
"I dont have time for your relationship shizz, The apollo boys keep staring at Piper"
With that he was gone.

The fireworks from the feast filled the sky in a beautiful array. leo smirked and kissed me happily again.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2015 ⏰

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