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I don't study Spanish at all ! I never have so everything Spanish into here is Because of the Internet.
reader pov
"Dear god in olympus, I'm sorry for my offending you in such a way that you have cursed me to have this much HW" I cry raising my arms in the air, while my brothers Connor and travis, send a offering to Athena. Chris begins to hum while I beat a drum.
Invade you weren't aware we sons and daughter of Hermes aren't gifted in the intelligence department; however we are genius when it comes to pranks.
"What the hell is Pythagoras theorem!" Connor cried.
"I don't understand sequences" travis bellowed.
"I can't find the degrees of triangles" Chris said solemnly.
"Help me oh wise Athena, I can't do Spanish or linear graphs." I said as I beat the drum.
There was a knock at the door and are cries for help stopped.
I got up from the Middle of the floor and opened the cabin door. there stood leo.
"Hey! What's up" I asked.
"Your cabin is so noisy ! " Leo moaned
He had bags under his eyes and I immediately felt bad.
"Sorry bout that" I said scratching the back of my head.
"what are you guys up to anyways" he asked looking about are cabin, which currently looked as if a bomb had gone of leaving nothing but notes and text books.
"We are trying to finish our homework" I explain
" What have you got." leo looked intently at me, how do you say to your Spanish boy friend that you cannot speak one word of Spanish.
"We have maths" I said with a smile. no way was I telling him bout the Spanish.

Time skip brought to you by the sunshine and shadows of Nico and Will.

"Thank the gods" the boys raised their hands in the sky and ran from the room, most likely to think up more evil schemes. Chris had already left as once leo had explained how to find angles he had understood and done it in under half and hour.
"Thanks Leo, I guess you will be going now" I say trying my best not to be rude. he laughs and flicks my nose.
"You have no more homework..." he said his brown eye stunning my own.
"Nope" I smoothly lie, however he sees through it like he always does.
"Ok then I will be in my way, see ya tomorrow" he gets up and i usher him out the cabin.

Once Leo is gone I run into my room; I have my own as im the only daughter of Hermes. I pull from under my duvet the dreaded Spanish book.
The amount of homework the Spanish teacher had set me was inhuman.

Another time skip brought to you by juniper and grovers plant power....
I known my eyes are getting sleepy, I know I'm going to collapse but I can't help it, this must be done.
While I'm concentrating I don't notice my cabin window opening. Leo silently comes up behind me and whispers in my ear.
" I thought you told me you didn't have anymore homework ?"
My eyes widen like a dear in head lights.
"What this? No... this isn't homework," I avoid looking him in the eyes.
Leo crosses his arms and he looks down at me tutting.

"If this isn't homework, then you must be amazing at Spanish, am I right" I nod not wanting this convo to continue.
"bien si eso es que, podemos bajar a los besos y abrazos" ( well if that's that we can just get down to the kissing and cuddling)Leo said fluently.
I just blinked.
"Ummm qué" (what) I mumble why we're languages so confusing.
"Sabía que ella no puede hablar español esto va a ser divertido" I knew it she can't speak Spanish this is going to be fun.) leo mumbled to himself.
"I want you to answer these questions yes or no" he said I nodded not seeing the damage it could cause.
"No somos el más fabuloso de todos ellos" arnt we the most fabulous of them all)
"Yes...." I say not having a clue what he is saying.
"¿eres un burro" are you a donkey) I had a feeling that one was offensive.
"No" I snipped.
"me amas? usted será el mío para siempre" do you love me ? Will you be mine forever ?)
I nodded.
"Say it " Leo gridded as he slowly walked closer to me a smirk plastered on his face.
"Yes" I reply at the question.
"You wanna tell me...." I was cut off my a certain hammer head kissing me and whispering.
"Te amo (y/n)!!"

At those words; the only Spanish you knew,your face erupted into a Volcanic red.

Extended ending:
I groaned as Leo pointed to a board he had brought with him. this had been going on ever since the homework scenario, he wanted to teach me Spanish but unfortunately my teacher decided to give me kisses and hugs as rewards instead of gold stars. this caused me to forget things. I have the suspicion Leo planned this all out, not that Im complaining....

Sorry I haven't uploaded,i have been busy with actual maths revision and french Aswell. I hope you like this, I would love to be in readers situation, I wish Leo Valdez would help me with my homework.
Tell me what you think, Give me suggestions!!!

Lots of love cub !!!! 💖💖💖💖💖❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💖💖

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