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this is a one shot i did on my old deivantart account  tis mine!!

You're  heart raced you had to run or he would catch you! "dammit" you utter as you fall over a tree branch. He had almost caught up to you. Taking out you're whip you threw it upwards and it connect to a tree branch, it recoiled sending you upwards. You sat there hoping he wouldnt see you. Then in the clearing you saw him, he was steaming with anger, and fiery mischief flickered in his eyes, though to you it looked kinda sadistic. you gulped.
" i know you're here pequeño" he said his accent heavier than usual, he had been spending time in Mexico so his english was a little rusty.
 a strand of your (H/c) locks fell in front of you're face. Leo had bows stuck in his hair, bright, pink frilly bows; he would most likely have to cut them out the poor soul. But hey its his fault, the doofus had made you feel all wierd inside, he must have used some weird hecate magic!

Fire flicked about on his fingers and he sent a little fireball flying at you.

but how...
you were the greatest at concealing you're self

you shuffled around the perimeter of the trunk sliding you're feet on to the curves of the branches you  held onto a long branch and leaned out you were almost their your fingertips were just curling on top of the opposing trees branch when the worse sound ever came from the tree 
your heart was in your ears, thump, thump, thump, you suddenly felt very sick, and the tension in your arm broke away as the branch was torn in two. you fell sideways; as you fall you steal a glance at Leo he was running towards you. You shut your eyes tightly awaiting the impact.

it never came

you open one eye to see a warm brown one glaring back at you, you feel to strong arms tighten, pequeño.." he took a large in take of breathe "you tying to kill yourself? Why were you hiding in a árbol, hola? estás escuchando?"
his hot breathe tickled your neck.
" umm" you mumbled 
" do you have any idea, how i would feel if you got hurt? " Leo asked a frown on his face.

there was that weird feeling in your stomach again. You blush a bright red.

"cat got your tongue(Name) ?" he asked 
"NO" you shout annoyed at being flusterd.

" your right a cat hasnt got your tongue obviously!" 
you cocked an eye brow at him saying this 
" I have" he crashed his lips into yours 

Leo Valdez x readerWhere stories live. Discover now