Rqst: Ron Weasley • Horcruxes and Torture (Pt. 1)

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Requested by JulzLovDraco4Eva
Sorry, I had to change some things around for it to work. I also made it into a two-part oneshot because it was so long. I hope this is what you were aiming for! Part two will be up ASAP.

Description: The reader, a part of the Golden Trio, has had feelings for Ron for a while now. Whilst camping out in search of the horcruxes, Ron is compelled to say some horrible things to the reader before storming off.

Word Count: 1029

TW: Minor swearing?

Third Person POV

When it started to rain, the four teens had been sitting outside by the cliff's edge, discussing where to find the next Horcrux. Hermione was the first to sprint inside the tent, desperate to not let her hair get any frizzier than it already was.

Of all the things she had in her infinite bag, the hair product she needed was not one of them. And it wasn't like she could just walk into town and get some, seeing as there was an army of Death Eaters led by the Dark Lord himself hunting them down.

Harry ran inside after Hermione, and Ron and (Y/N) trailed in behind him. Boredom was soon to strike the group once they were all inside. Harry and Hermione both ended up laying down for a nap to sleep away the rain. (Y/N) and Ron, thinking alike, both decided to play a game of cards and sat down across from one another at the table.

The four of them had all been friends since they'd met on the train in first year, but Ron and (Y/N) had always been closer to each other than they were to Hermione and Harry.

This was probably because Ron was the only one that (Y/N) opened up to about her home life. In return, Ron would tell (Y/N) about all of his problems, too. Even if they couldn't help each other find a solution, just knowing that the other empathized made everything better.

It went on that way for a while, up until the Yule Ball in fourth year. Going to the Ball with Ron "as friends" made (Y/N) realize that she wanted to be more than that with him. She told Harry and Hermione about her feelings right away, and of course they encouraged her to tell him.

However, she never ended up saying anything. It didn't feel like a good choice to risk their incredible friendship over some stupid crush. Over the years, (Y/N) started to discover that it was not a simply crush, but actual love.

By then, she had deemed it to late to say anything. It would probably make everything weird, and what was the point of telling him anyways if she was sure he only thought of her as a friend?

She suffered everyday knowing that she would never be with him in that way. She'd never get to wake up to his lovely face, or kiss his perfect lips...

"(Y/N)! Hello, Earth to (Y/N)! Bloody hell, it's your turn! Are you incapable of focusing for more than two damn seconds?" Ron's aggression seemed to come out of nowhere.

However, it wasn't truly out of nowhere, as the Horcrux around his neck had been emitting it's evil onto him for hours. This minor inconvenience was just the turning point for it all to come out.

"Jeez, sorry. I was only zoned out for a second, no need to get so mad." (Y/N) grumbled. This only set Ron off even more. 

"'No need to get so mad' ?" Ron spat her words back at her, slamming his cards down on the table. "Do you have any idea how annoying it's been to be around you all these years?"

"What the hell are you talking about? We're best friends!" (Y/N) defended. The commotion began to stir Harry from his sleep. (Y/N) quickly realized what all of this was actually about, sadness settling into her expression and her tone turning monotonous. "Ron, give me the locket."

"You think this is about the locket? It's not!" Ron denied, but tucked the locket safely into his sweater anyways. "This is about you."

Coming to the realization that there was a fight going on, Harry sprung off of his bunk and started shaking Hermione awake.

"Oh, really? So you've had this huge problem with me for seven whole years, and the fact that you're only telling me about it now has nothing to do with you wearing a horcrux?" (Y/N) challenged. Ron's face turned grim as he shot up, knocking back the bench he was sitting on.

"This is exactly what I'm talking about! You're always focused on what you want to talk about, not what I'm saying! And you never, ever stop bloody talking!" He shouted, jabbing a finger in her direction. "You're a selfish bitch!"

Harry and Hermione were now both standing defensively behind (Y/N). "Ron, hand over the locket, now." Hermione demanded.

"Oh, piss off, 'Mione! You always take her side. Always!" Ron exclaimed. There was silence for a moment, and Hermione held out her hand expectantly. "Fine, you can have the stupid locket! But just know, I meant every word I said."

He ripped the necklace off hastily and tossed it to Hermione, who caught it gracefully. Without hesitation, Ron turned on his heel and stormed out of the tent, smacking the tent flap out of his way as he did so. (Y/N) couldn't help but to follow him up until the tent entrance.

"Ron!" (Y/N) called to him over the rain. She stood at the tent opening regretfully, debating on if she should follow him further.

"Let him go. He just needs to blow off some steam. The Horcruxes really take a toll on him, I'm sure he didn't mean what he said." Hermione put a comforting hand on her friend's shoulder. Once Ron disappeared from their view, (Y/N) let Hermione guide her back to bed. She laid in silence, wide-eyed and unable to sleep.

Images of Ron getting hurt, lost, and killed bounced around in her head. He shouldn't be out there alone, especially not when so many people are after us. Hermione, sensing her distress, made a cup of hot chocolate for her and reassured her again that Ron would be fine. 

It took (Y/N) hours to finally make it to sleep, staring longingly at Ron's bed and wishing that he was there with her.

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