Prf: First Date Location

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He took you flying around the quidditch field on his broom, and then you went for Butterbeers.

You two went to a nearby muggle town, watched a comedy movie, then went and got ice cream to watch the sunset from a hilltop.

His father got you two plane tickets to go to Paris for the day. Draco wasn't sure you'd want to go, as you weren't exactly from a rich family and you preferred things that weren't so fancy. Once you'd found out about the tickets, you'd demanded that they not go to waste. The two of you had an amazing time and made tons of memories.

He took you to the Burrow for dinner. It wasn't awkward, as you already knew his family, and they loved you. He cooked spagetti, and then the two of you sat by the fire together and played cards.

He took you to a restaurant. It wasn't fancy or formal, but you loved it. For some reason, it made you feel safe and cozy sitting in a booth across from him.

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