jeff the killer

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I woke up to hear glass breaking I immediately thought of I have to protect my grandparents I got up and grab my kitchen knife I had hidden in the couch as to where I sleep I heard footsteps coming towards the living room I hid behide the couch and as the person came closer I heard static and thought oh my god creepypasta I thought child I heard a voice ask yes I asked come out the voice said it was a male voice but I couldn't place it I slowly pop my head out the first I saw was a green hood figure ben drowned I thought the second I saw was a white

Hoodie and black dress pants jeff the killer I said and smiled next to jeff was jane the killer glaring at jeff not be paying any attention to me eyeless jack, masky ( which masky for some reason scared me ) sally slenderman, laughing jack, smiley the dog how old are you slenderman asked as everyone else went there separate ways besides jeff, jane, sally, ben,smiley, eyeless jack I think he asked you a question jeff said as he took a step towards me I backup

Jeff no sally cired as she ran ahead of jeff and in front of me sally! Everyone said I stood there frozen afraid for my life afraid of what might happen alot of things came to my mind as I thought of this jeff can push sally away and make me go to sleep sally then turn around and faced me and then look at jeff and giggled eighteen I said the perfect age jeff whispered and took another step towards me no I thought and show I had a kitchen knife in my hand oh someones a bad ass jeff said and laugh oh shut it I said jeffs eyebrows went up for a person who got burn was pretty normal looking despite his eyes and his craved in smile I thought what was that jeff asked oh shit ben said eyeless jack walk up to sally and removed her from in between me and jeff laughing jack just laughed then I heard the other creepypastas was in the other room no I thought and ran as fast as I could around the couch and tried to ran pass the killers but jane grab me and I struggled at first but she held my arm backwards dont move or you'll arm be snap in half jane said then I heard them killing my grandparents AHHHHHH!!!!!!! my grandparents scream then I heard "cherish run!!!!" It was my grandpa jane let me go as I felt tears stream down my face as I just sat there on the floor my knees to my chest as everyone just stared and look at me WHAT ARE SHHH YOU LOOKING AT?! I screamed damn it stuttering I thought slenderman bent down and look at me you know for a guy without a face doesn't need a face at all I thought thank you child now come along child slenderman said what?! Everyone asks you dont think we would leave her here she would be lock up..again..slenderman said everyone just look at slenderman like he was crazy well he is but he isnt at the sametime wait how do you know I asks as I stop crying and stood up eyeless jack came up to me and held out his hand for me to take I look at him but I look at slenderman take his hand cherish slenderman said I grab onto his hand no she is not coming with us someone said jeff slenderman said I let go of his hand only to have him reach out and take it again jeff shes coming and thats final slenderman said what if..jeff said but stopped slenderman laugh for a guy without a mouth can laugh loud I thought you and her slenderman said and laugh again then look between me and him one week but after that week is up you two come home you hear slenderman said wait what I said yeah what the hell eyeless jack said for the first time it appears jeff here would like cherish and him a week alone together in this world slenderman said I felt my heart races and my cheeks get red at the thought of being alone with jeff the killer but then I thought "oh yeah hes a killer"
So cherish is it jeff asked as we walk its been an hour since my grandparents were murdered or killed whichever one works for you and an hour since the other creepypastas left us I said nothing I havent said anything since we left the house I just stared at my feet as we walked on the road which wasnt smart but I just followed jeff yes thats my name jeff I finally said why did you say that jeff asked said what I asked as I look at jeff but then jeff grab me and we went into the woods you said yes thats my name jeff why jeff asked I dont know maybe thats you're name I said as I look ahead youre a smartass aren't you jeff said why did you want to be with me I said jeff grab me and threw me against the tree and pinned me there jeff calm down I didnt mean I said before jeff interpret "listen I didn't like the others looking at you you are special I can tell now start acting like it" he let me go and walk away I just slid down the tree and cried my eyes out what the hell happened I thought what the fuck was that about huh jeff?! I said I knew he had to be close by I got up and begin to go looking for jeff jeff! I said again nothing I heard nothing besides my heart beat and the wind I felt tears stream down my face ugh! Ahh! I scream and went to punch the tree that was behide me but jeff block my way and I ended up punching him instead but he didnt flinch he just looked at me with that forever smile on his face he did look creepy and unease but then again I reminded myself that he was a killer after that got to remember that cherish hes a killer hes a monster I thought as we just stared at eachother I look away ahhh I win jeff said fuck you I muttered under my brealth jeff laugh I jump back why did you pick me I asked why dont you just go to sleep jeff said while pulling out his knife why dont you just shut the fuck up I said jeff looked taken back but then he quickly hide it and punch me in the face the last thing I remember was jeff saying "go to sleep cherish I like it that way" before the darkness consume me
Jeffs pov
After I had punch cherish in the face she was going to hurt when she woke up but oh well I threw her over my shoulder and continue to walk I knew why I had pick her its because she sees good in us she sees the good in me and I like it and shes brave more than she knows i thought I continue to walk enjoying the walk
Cherishs pov
I felt myself being shaken no I thought then I open my eyes to find I was in the middle of the woods still I groaned good morning sunshine I heard someone say fuck you I said not caring who it was then I was being held against the ground thats when everything came back to me from last night well fuck I said jeffs every lasting smile grew as I look at him a week right I asked yes jeff said I sat up but then I flop down again and layed there fuck! I said jeff just looked at me and walk away then turn back around

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