what the hell?!

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Cherishs pov still
I got into adams black Mustang what the hell was I doing ? I barely know him my parents would yell at me I thought I started to reach for the handle but I stopped its okay Its okay to be dangerous somewhat I thought then I saw jeff and ben coming out of the school jusr as adam got in the car jeff and ben was running towards the car what are you doing ? Shouldnt we leave ? I asked waitting adam said with a smirk on his face. This isnt good I thought cherish get out now! Ben and jeff yell then jeff turn back into his old stuff ben did the same. Adam let her go now jeff growled adam put the car in drive and ran jeff and ben over. No I screamed then I grab my knife I looked at it how I thought then I saw ben in the backseat adam you shouldnt have done that ben growled thats when the passenger door open while we was still moving by the way cherish take my hand jeff said as he was hanging off on the side of the car. Oh shit ben said I then reach for jeffs hand but adam pull me back into the car I bite him and crawl over to the passenger side door again and grab onto jeffs hand thats when I felt rhe force of the car stop it had hit a tree full force. Adam was killed instantly. Thats when I noticed something I was ontop of the car with jeff ontop of me protecting me. You guys okay I heard ben ask as he crawl out after he broke the backseat Window you okay cher jeff ask yeah I think so I said as jeff got off of me. What was you thinking jeff growled jeff ben said I felt dizzy and lightheaded as I slide off the the hood of the car and onto the ground where I stumbled. Cher you okay ben asked you have been killed cherish jeff continue to yell at me jeff cut it out! Shes been through a wreck cut it out! Ben said as ben sat me down the world was spinning around and around I couldnt stop it I put my head between my knees and took slowly dep brealths in and out. After that pass I got up goodbye guys I said wait no you dont jeff said and pick me up and threw me over his shoulder you cant say goodbye after everything we've been through together Jeff said I growled jeff you put me down now I said why are you acting like this ben asked as he followed behind because I wanted to normal again! I wanted to be human again I wanted to be normal again I said and cried jeff we got to get off the road ben said right jeff said and jeff went in the woods watch your head jeff said but I felt the branch hit my head ow I said thanks I said why would you want to be human again cherish ? Jeff asked because I dont belong in yout world jeff I mean im kind sweet I cant kill anyone I said but you did three people ben said I know but thats only because I loved jeff...or I mean I love jeff I said loved jeff said and threw me down onto the ground I didnt come all the way here to get dump cherish I came here to help you I came here to make sure nothing will happen to you! Jeff yell as I back away from him. I saw in his eyes he was angry. Thats not good I thought. I love you cherish Westfall I love you I havent felt this feeling in a very long time jeff said then looks at ben and tells him to "go away" ben didnt think twice about it. he left. I stood up and was leaning on the tree for support. Jeff I I said but jeff threw his kitchen knife and it cut my cheek. just a small cut. Cherish shut up jeff said I closed my mouth and thats when jeff came over to me I was scared to be honest because I dont know what jeff would do. But he did something unexpected he kissed me. And I kissed him back I regret everything. I love this man. killer.

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