38. The Last Puzzle Piece

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We get closer and closer, and not even a minute later we are standing just 20 meters away from the stage. With so many people around here, no one actually focuses on two random people with caps over their head each. We need to-

"That's a lot of people." Squirrely states as he eyes the crowd he has to speak in front. "I don't think I can do it." He says and starts to rub his sweaty palms on his thighs once again.

"Have you thought about what you're going to say??" I place my hands on each side of his shoulders in order to calm him down. His eyes keep going around like a racing car annoying the shit out of me. 

"Y- yes but I don't think I can do it, I mean look at this crowd they- they are all gonna stare at me and they will think I'm trying to fool them, not to mention t-" He takes way to much when he is nervous. In order to stop him from rumbling on, I place both of my hands on each side of his cheeks, with the tips of my fingers on the side of his neck slowly sliding in between his hair. I squeeze his cheeks slightly together, before pulling him forward placing my lips directly on his. 

My eyes close, as my lips move on his, brushing over them over and over again, letting me feel his dried ones confusedly trying to move. Is every first kiss this awkward?? When you don't know what exactly you are doing but still try to pull it off. His tensed body slowly lessens up, as his hands grip on my forearm looking for better support, before he probably loses it and just crumbles down. 

After a few seconds, I pull away from him and look straight into his eyes, without even trying to move away. 

"This is how a kiss feels." I whisper to him with a small smile on my face. He doesn't say anything, just stares at me still surprised by what just happened. "Don't think about the crowd too much, just do what you have to do. I know you can do this. Fighting." With that being said, he nods to himself and turns toward the stage. As he is walking toward the stairs that lead to the stage, he turns back looking at me with his fingers placed on his lips. I guess he is still processing what just happened. 

He keeps looking backwards at my direction as his feet hit the first stair making him trip and fall forward. Damn, now he sure did make a fool out of himself. He picks himself up and focuses on the path in front of himself. Once he steps on the stage the MC cuts himself off and everyone's attention turns to Squirrely. He walks forward with a few heavy steps all until he reaches the mic stand. The MC backs away confusion written all over his face, as he exchanges a look with the backstage staff. Once Squirrely is standing in front of the mic stand, he clears his throat letting everyone hear it and even jumps up a bit himself, as the sound echoes out of the speaker. I press my lips together as I keep watching him awkwardly lean in closer to the mic. 

"He- hello everyone." He gults down the saliva that build up in this short time and shortly after continues. "My- my name is Han Jisung and recently I have.. I have." He stops and looks around the crowd, his mouth opens but nothing comes out. Is he starting to panic?? Is he gonna have a panic attack?? Maybe I should pull him out of there. I'm about to make a step forward when I catch him turn his head toward me. He stares at me for a few seconds and then he brushes the tips of his fingers over his lips again. 

"I was framed. Since I was a child my father physically abused me and after 9 years, he decided to put me in a mental hospital. After that a lot of things followed, for example I never went to high school or had any friends. My record in the hospital is faked just as my mental test report, but nobody ever bothered to look at them, since my father has always had a big political influence. One month ago two people kidnaped me from the hospital I was locked in and with their help, I managed to stop my addiction and get back to my senses, so I'm standing here today... with my legs trembling, in hopes I can show you that your president is not who you actually think he is, he is a fraud and a liar, and you can't let a person like him lead you." 

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