8. He ill?? Ho is dat osilbl??

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"I will help you"

Now that takes me by surprise. Seungmin's voice sounds clear and determined, he needed 3 days to think this over and even thought I lost hope 3 days ago he still agrees to do it.

"Really?? You will??" I can't really hide the surprise in my voice, I mean. THIS IS GREAT. Now we have everything we need to do this.

"Yes, I will. What?? You don't want me to??" His tone turns a bit annoyed. Why do I have a feeling like he is not doing this because he truly wants to do it but there is something more to it.

"No. I mean yes. I want you to do it. Wait how did you even get my number??" I'm still confused at how he even managed to get my number. I haven't meet him for the last 3 years how does he know my number??

"You gave it to me five years ago" I did?? When did I give him my number. "When we got stuck on that project together. I gave you mine too, you don't have it??" Oh I remember now. Unfortunately phones don't survive long with me. If my memory serves me right I dropped my phone In the toilet the night I graduated. Since it was pretty old it died in the  moment.

"Oh right. My phone broke long ago, so I lost all the numbers inside. I will save this number if you don't mind" He doesn't have to know I dropped my phone in the toilet the on the same night I also got him dead ass drunk right??

"No you can save it I'm ok with that." I immediately pull the phone off my ear and save the number.

"Also I want to know your plan before getting myself into anything" Why does he want the whole plan when he needs to help with only one thing. I really want to ask but I feel like he won't give me a clear answer.

And if I don't ask it will keep bugging me inside my brain. "Why do you want to know the whole plan. I thought you don't want to get deeply involved" He takes a few seconds before finding the words that he wants to say.

If he is taking a moment to think about the answer that means one of two things. First, he is thinking of what to say since he doesn't really want to say the truth. And second he is hesitating between being honest or taking the side road. It doesn't mater anyway. As long as he helps I don't really care if he lies to us or tells us the truth. Right??

"I just want to know what I'm getting myself into. It doesn't really mater if I help right now or not because I'm already involved. I want to know how much I can expect from you and Minho."

Auch. Now that says how much he trusts us but it's understandable. Me and Minho never really showed a side of us that is careful and serious. At least not around him. Seungmin is the last missing piece of our incomplete puzzle, now we can actually start with the plan me and Minho formed 3 nights ago.

"Can you meet us today. Around 4pm when I get off work and Minho off college??" Minho has his last real classes today before starting with his online cases. We don't know how long it will take us to get Sqirrely of the drug so he took 2 months of online class. It's maybe to much, maybe not, I don't really know.

"Ok, text me the address of where you want to meet. Bye" He is quick to ditch people isn't he, but what will he even talk to me about.

"Ok, see you later today" He hangs up the phone and I'm left alone once again with my sleeping buddy and if I sit down my tiredness will start kicking in. I didn't really sleep much before taking the night shift, which means I'll be staying up for 24 hours with no motivation for it.

Let's just not fall asleep, I need to keep myself up and get paid. If we are going to stay hidden for god knows how long, we will need money for food and other things that might be needed during that time. And I don't know if they will cut me right away or give me my pay so I would rather not risk it. It's not like Minho has a lot of money and I don't want to use all his savings on this.

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