15. What Just Happened??

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"C- can you show me something??"

Minho and I exchange a look before we both get up and walk toward the bathroom. I open the door fully and see Squirrely staring at the tooth-brush again.

"You said you use this to clean your teeth, than how do I-" He turns his head and the moment his eyes land on Minho he jumps up into the air.

"Y- you. Don't touch me!!" He holds the toothbrush in front of our noses like it's a sword that can protect him. I make a step forward in between him and Minho and slowly reach for the toothbrush.

"He won't hurt you" Squirrely looks at me and back at Minho a few times. His body is still tensed and he doesn't let of the toothbrush even thought I am gently holding the tip.

Suddenly Minho pushes pass me, which causes Squirrely to jump up and hide behind me keeping me between him and Minho. Minho walks in front of the sink, grabs his toothbrush and puts on toothpaste.

"Wha- what are you doing??" He finally turns around and looks at me before turning to face Squirrely.

"You were about to ask how to use this right??" He holds the toothbrush up. Squirrely gives me a look as well before turning back to Minho. He holds on the toothbrush a bit lighter before relaxing his body again.

Minho definitely has a quick and fearless way of approaching Squirrely even thought he is still scared of him. I know he's not a professional or has experience but I still trust him with this. He seems like he knows how far he can go and how much impact he can have. I'm just curious how he'll use that.

"I-" Squirrely tries to speak but Minho stops him fast by snatching the toothbrush out off his hand. He puts a bit of toothpaste on it and hands it back to Squirrely.

"Come here" He pulls Squirrely in front of the mirror and puts his toothbrush into his mouth. Squirrely slowly and carefully makes his way next to the older.

"Make circles on your teeth so the dirt from them is brushed off" Squirrely looks at the toothbrush once again before puting it inside his mouth. I lean on the wall watching him awkwardly turning the toothbrush inside his mouth. He seems confused about what exactly he is doing but he still watches Minho in the mirror and tries to copy his movements.

Is this how a mom feels when her child is brushing their teeth on their own for the first time?? I know me comparing this feeling to a mother is quite stupid but watching this scene kinda worms up my heart. The way the bubbles start to form around his lips and the foam starts to run down his chin reminds me of the way my sister used to brush her teeth.

The smile she had every time we stood in the bathroom brushing our teeth. Than I would crack a joke out of nowhere and she would start to laugh. Since she had her syndrome and couldn't really laugh while brushing her teeth the foam would always run down her chin.

I wonder what is his smile like. Does he show his teeth when he smiles?? Do his cheeks pop out?? Do his eyes squeeze together?? I wonder.

I have other things to worry about thought. It's almost 3am and I truly hoped he would have been asleep at this time. How do I convince him to take the drug that he hates so much??


After their little lesson of hygiene I took a shower and right after, we sat Squirrely down on the couch in the living room. The vibe is really heavy I have to admit. The fear and confusion are still inside his eyes like always. From the moment I stepped into his hospital room way untill now.

He is looking at the cloths he is wearing like they came from space. I wish I could read minds, that way I would be able to know why he jumped through the window before. What he though when he took a shower on his own. What was on his mind while brushing his teeth. And what is he thinking now while looking at his clothes.

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