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I kick my feet back in forth while I sat in my chair happily, stuffing my face with macaroni and meat. Daddy woke me up a while ago for lunch but I didn't really wanna get up.

That was until he told me he made me mac n cheese mixed with steak. I got up excitedly seeing as it was my second favorite meal.

The first time I had it was at Lisa's house of course. I didn't even realize how good meat and mac n cheese together was!

After eating half of it with sadly, a spoon, I finally took a sip of my apple juice daddy gave me along with my food.

As I drank it I noticed daddy was spacing out starting into space. My eyes widen in excitement as I giggle and hurriedly place my sippy cup on the table.

And toss the spoon to the side, cringing when it makes a light clang on the ground. I glance up at my daddy to see if he heard and when I see he didn't, I dig my hand into my mac n cheese and stuff it into my mouth, humming at how good it was.

I dance a little in my seat as I chew and enjoy the taste and lick my hand clean of cheese after I swallowed. I take another little sip of my apple juice and grab another handful.

"Jayson!" I flinch at the sound of my name. Ah... Daddy snapped out of his daze.

I quickly stuff the handful of food I had in my hand without looking at Daddy and wipe my hands on my t shirt as daddy yelled no.

Afterwards I look up at him with my most innocent face I could make. Daddy had a hand on his face sighing. "You just put that shirt on and now we have to change you out of it Jay." He groaned looking at me with a stern look.

"Also, don't try to act as though you didn't do what you just did. You know how I feel about you eating with your hands!" He scolded me.

"Huh?" I said acting confused. "Daddy, I no eat wif hands! I eat wif spoon."

"Do you think I'm blind bunny?" He asked putting his hands on his hips.

I nodded my head with a grin. "Yeah!" I agreed with him, feeling a bit sassy.

I regret it. That little spark of sass ended me not only with not getting to finish my food but in time out for an hour. Thirty minutes for lying and thirty minutes for being a smarty-pants.

Hmph, well I say it's high treason for daddy to deprive his favorite baby of the rest of his food. He needs to be punished by the order of the princess, ME!

On that note, I needed to think of a good punishment for him. What would a good punishment be? Hmmm... OH what about—

"Alright Jay, that's an hour. Now how about we play something?" Daddy asked as he picked me up.

I gave him an upset pout and shook my head. He gave me an amused smirk and raised his eyebrows. "No?"

I shook my head again. "No Daddy. I haf tink of your pushment!" I told him.

"Oh? My punishment? For what baby." He laughed as though I said a joke. I glared at him with my deadliest glare and huffed.

"Yow no wet me eat!" I growled at him. "Oh but you did eat." He said in a teasing voice.

"Hmph! we see Daddy. I get wevege doon." I said and escaped from his grasp, stomping upstairs to daddy's room since mine was still empty.

I could hear daddy laughing behind me. Let him laugh! He forgot I have the ultimate weapon to ever exist on this earth.

I walk over to the bedside table and pick up daddy's phone which he left earlier and turn it on, getting distracted by the lock screen which was of me in a bunny onesie with my eyes crossed and puffed cheeks.

I smile in satisfaction as I looked super cute then I remembered what I was doing and unlock it, going to his contacts.

I gigg— uh, laugh evilly as I called auntie Lisa. The phone rang twice before a female voice came on the phone.

"Aun wisa!" I yelled and then started babbling about what happened earlier today without giving her a chance to say hi. Not that she minded though.

In fact as soon as she heard about how I wanted revenge she immediately said she had the perfect way. But then said she couldn't tell me cause then I'd tell daddy which is SO not true!

I can keep secrets from Daddy. No problem!

"What are you doing bunny?" Daddy asked as he came into the room.

"Pwan wegenge on daddy wif aun wisa!" I yelled excitedly as I turned towards him with a big grin.

"Jay!" Aunt Lisa yelled from the other side of the phone.

Oh... Oops?


Word count: 846

Day updated: 06/07/21

Ahaha, heeyyy it's been uhh... *Looks at calendar* 7?? Months or so. Hahaha.... I totally haven't been disregarding this book. TOTALLYYY

I was kidnapped. Yeah, kidnapped. Anyways I'm back😚

Oh! And hello to all of the new people reading my book! I'm very happy you all like it and have decided to read it. I hope everyone has had a nice if not amazing day!

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