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I yawned as I sat up in probably the most comfortable bed I've ever layed in. I look to my left and see there's a huge window that over looks the front yard. I could also see it's still dark. Then I look to my right to see Da— I mean Hunter still asleep. He was on his stomach and snoring. He also didn't have a shirt on.

I shift a little and realized that I peed in my sleep. "Huwnta!" I said hitting his back lightly. "Ugh.. What?" He said in a low voice. He's probably still half asleep. "I peas." I whispered to him as I layed my head on his back and yawned. He didn't answer. He probably went back to sleep.

I whined and pinched his back. He hissed and raised his head to look at me. "Do you wanna go to time out?" He asked. I shook my head quickly. "I peas." I whined.

He groaned but got up, taking me with him. He takes me to to Charlie's room and changes my diaper with his eyes half closed. After he takes me back to his room and lays down, he falls asleep almost instantly. I giggled at that.

Now that I wasn't so uncomfortable, I fell asleep again. The next time I woke up the sun was out and Hunter wasn't in bed. I got out of it and left the room, going towards the stairs. I stopped at the edge and stared down them.

There's no way I could go down all of them by myself. I was too scared. What if I fell again? I didn't want that.

Just as I was about to call Hunter's name he appeared at the bottom. He looked a little shocked. Did I scare him?

I giggled at the thought.

"Jay? What're you doing?" He asked as he came up the stares. I pointed towards him. "You were looking for me?" He questioned and I nodded, holding my arms up towards him. He grinned and picked me up and I buried my face in his neck. "That's funny cause I was just about to come wake you up for breakfast and to meet Charlie." He said.

I looked up at him when he said Charlie. "Oh, and I told Lisa about your ex-caretaker, I hope that's alright." He said in an apologetic voice.

I gave him a sour look before rolling my eyes. "Ok I gwess." I said and buried my face back in his neck.

He took me down stairs and into the living room where Lisa and a boy dressed in overalls were. I assume he's Charlie. The TV was also on. Once I saw that Mickey Mouse was playing I squealed happily, clapping my hands together. He sat me on the couch and told me to stay then went to the kitchen. My eyes stayed glued to the TV for a few seconds before laughter caught my attention.

I look over to where Lisa and Charlie were sitting and saw that they're playing with toy trains. I suddenly wanted to play to. I looked to the kitchen to see if Hunter was coming out before getting off the couch, only to get pulled back up.

I whined and looked behind me to see Hunter raising an eyebrow while holding a plate in one. "Didn't I say not to move?" He said. "Wanna pway!" I pouted. "You can play after you eat." He declared.

Then he came around the couch and sat the plate of syrup covered cut pancakes on the glass table in front of me. I scooted up to the table and reached for a pancake only to be stopped by Hunter.

I pouted angrily at him. "Use a fork baby." He ordered, handing me a fork. I huffed but started eating. After about 3 bites I notice that Hunter was no longer paying attention to what I was doing.

So I set the fork down and grabbed a handful of pancakes before shoving it all in my mouth. I hummed in delight as the sweetness of the syrup reached my tongue. I could careless about how sticky my hands were or how syrup was getting on my clothes.

I got another handful after I ate the first and shoved it into my mouth to. "Jay!!" Hunter yelled. I looked up wt him with big, wide eyes, hoping my cuteness would help my situation.

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