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I mumble unhappily and tiredly under my breath as I stare down at the plate of scrambled eggs, sausages and cut pancakes.

I was only able to sleep for about two hours at most before Daddy rudely woke me up. I mean, the audacity of some people!

"Eat love," Daddy said staring me down. I narrow my eyes at him and he narrows his back.


I sighed and gave him puppy dog eyes but he just looked away. I continue to give him puppy dog eyes for the next 5 minutes before giving up.

He never turned back my way. I look back down at my food with a pout before picking up a sausage and biting into it aggressively. Then look at Daddy and see he's looking at me with a smirk.

I stick my tongue at him and continue to eat my food. "Can sweep afer done?" I ask tiredly. He frowns and asked me when I went to sleep.

"Afer pee." I answered. "Baby that's only an hour and a half of sleep."

I replied with oh and finished my food. Once done, Daddy picked me up and took me back to the bedroom. "I'll let you sleep a little longer. I'll do some furniture shopping."

I nodded happy that I was gonna be able to sleep more. It was only—I look at the clock— 7 in the morning. "Dada, want pwety furture 'kay?" I said lying down on the comfy pillow.

I fell asleep almost immediately, not hearing my Daddy's reply.


I kiss Jay on the forehead before going down stairs to work and shop. Since my baby asked for pretty furniture, then pretty furniture it is.

After an hour and a half of furniture shopping I close my laptop. At the same time the door bell was rung.

I get up and go to answer it only to find just a package. I stare in confusion before picking it up. I never ordered anything?

I turn the box around to see if it has a name on it. I sigh in relief when I find not only a name but address.

Archer Romano

Was what the name said. The address was next door. I should take this next door. I glance at the stairs, wondering if Jayson would wake up while I was gone. I'm sure it'll be fine, I'll only be gone for a few minutes...

I exit the house and make sure to lock the door behind me before making my way next door.

It was also a two story house but with regular colored bricks and a pretty little flower garden near the front door.

I go up to the door and ring the door bell. After a few minutes the door is swung open and I froze.

Right in front of me stood an angel. His skin was a beautiful caramel color, his dark brown hair was long and curly, falling just above his shoulders. But the thing that caught my attention the most were his baby blue eyes.

"Uhm hello?"

Shit... Even his voice is amazing. I could listen to him talk all day.

I snapped out of my daze when I realized I was staring. "Oh uhm... I got your uh package by accident." I explained, holding his package out.

He didn't say anything for a few seconds before showing a beautiful grin. "Thanks for returning it." He said taking it from my hand. "Well, you're welcome... Bye?"

I was reluctant to just leave but my goal for coming here was met. I step away, getting ready to turn and leave but was stopped.

"Wait! I wanna thank you for returning my package to me." He said with a shy smile. "Oh that isn't necessary."

Stupid! Why would you say that!

"I insist, let me treat you to dinner. How about next weekend?"

I pretended to hesitate even though I was excited to accept the offer.

"Okay, I'll accept your offer."

His eyes seemed to light up with joy as he nodded his head. "Okay! How about Saturday? I'll come by around 7pm."

"Yeah, see you later." I said about to leave but was stopped again.

"I never got your name, mine is Archer." He said

"Oh right! It's Hunter." I replied giving him a smile.

"Hunter... I like it. See you later, Hunter." He winked closing his door.

I stood there for another minute, going over what just happened. I smile widely and make my way back home.

Once home, I go upstairs to check on my little bunny. I slowly open the bedroom door and peek my head in and see he's still asleep.

I laugh a little when I realize he's snoring. He must be sleeping pretty good. I close the door and go back downstairs to work a little more.

Ah, I should also call Lisa and see if she'll babysit Jayson on Saturday. Maybe she can bring Charlie and have a movie night with them

Thinking of Saturday caused me to go back to thinking of Archer. I couldn't get him out of my head. He's just so—beautiful. How could someone be so perfect. And his eyes... Ugh his eyes are so captivating.

I shook my head and looked down at my laptop. I just need to concentrate on work.


Day updated: 11/1/20

Word count: 971

A new character has appeared! Good or bad? New love or just a friend? Only time will know.

Also hope you all had a good Halloween and for those who went trick or treating I hope it all went safely for you and you got lots of candy! I personally didn't get to go trick or treating (even though I wish I did😢) but that's okay! I have next year.

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