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I snuggled into Dad- Hunter's neck to try and block out the yelling that was happening. "Like hell I'd talk to you just leave!" Hunter yelled as he placed me on the couch before standing up.

"Hunt, please you never let me explain what happened! That isn't fair!" This, Mickey yelled back.

"what is there to explain? You're a lying, cheating bastard!"

I flinched at the use of profanity. My old caretaker always cursed when he was angry with me. "No! That isn't true, I never lied. That wasn't my fault. Please let me explain!" Mickey cried.

"Get the fuck out!" Hunter said, glaring harshly at Mickey.

Mickey shook his head and took a step forward. "Please, Hunt." He begged. "I said get out." Hunter exclaimed as he swung his hand, sending a vase that was on a stand near him crashing to the floor.

My eyes widen and I feel a panic attack coming on. I try to keep my breathing under control but it was hard when flashes of when I was beaten kept flashing through my mind.

It soon became too much and I was crying as I tried to get Hunters attention but he was too occupied. I curl into a ball as I gasp for air.

"Something is wrong with him." I faintly hear Mickey say. Seconds later I'm pulled into Hunter's arms.

"Jay, I'm sorry, breathe. You need to breath bunny." Hunter said as me rubbed my back in a soothing way. It took a few minutes but I eventually came down.

"Just leave Mikael. I won't continue to argue back and forth with you with my little here."

His little?

"... Fine but I won't give up. I love you Hunter and I refuse to let you believe this lie. I was drugged. I will prove it to you." He said before leaving.

Hunter sighed and tucked my head in his neck. "I'm sorry, so sorry. I didn't mean to make you upset bunny." He said but I already forgave.

"Did you mean it?" I asked. He pulled away and gave me a confused look.

"Do you really see me as your little?" I said shyly. He gave me a smile.

"Yeah, I do. I was gonna ask once you were more comfortable but it just came out." He explained.

I started to tear up and soon was crying... Again.

"Oh baby don't cry, don't cry." He said rocking my body back and forth.

"Do you hate the idea of me being your daddy that much?" He joked. I giggled a little.

"So you really wanna take care of me? You want me to live with you forever?" I asked.

He nodded kissing my forehead. I grinned up at him. "I wanna be your baby. I want you to be my Daddy!" I said shyly as I snuggled into his muscly chest. He wrapped his arms around me and smiled.

"Then it's official. You're my baby and I'm your Daddy. I promise I'll take care of you forever." He said causing me to tear up. "Ugh I'm tearing up again. God this is so annoying." I laughed. He joined in. "How about we go shopping yeah? I need to get more groceries and maybe some clothes for you."

I nodded in agreement.

"Alright, let me just clean this mess up." Daddy said as he got up with a bucket of popcorn. When did he get that! My eyes widened. Is he a wizard?!

Hmm maybe I should ask... "Daddy?" I called out, "Are you a wizawd?"

"Why?" He called back. "Cause you gots pupcuorn outa da air!" I exclaim throwing my hands up. I heard a chuckle from the kitchen. "Sorry bunny, I don't kiss and tell." He said

I look back in confusion. "Wat da men?" I asked. "It means that it's a secret so I won't tell you."

"Aww why not!" I whine as he comes back in the room. "Cause I said so. Now let's some shoes on you and head out. Don't wanna keep the ice cream parlor waiting do you?" I shook my head no then held my arms out so he could pick me up. And to my luck he did, bringing me to the front door and setting me down in order to put a pair of Charlie's converse on me. "Thank god you guys are basically the same shoe size" He sighed. I giggled, not really knowing why I was giggling.

Daddy picked me up again and we headed out. He already had a car seat in his car from baby sitting Charlie so many times. So we wouldn't have any issues driving his car.

He buckled me in and made sure I was securely strapped in before getting in the drivers seat and starting the short drive to the ice cream shop. I was so excited I couldn't stop kicking my feet against the back of his seat.

"Jay bud, please stop kicking my seat." He ordered. "Sowwy dada.." I said before looking out the window to distract myself.

10 minutes later we were at the ice cream shop. Daddy unbuckled me and took me into his arm and we walked into the shop.

"Hello, welcome to Daisies Parlor may I take your order?" The lady asked giving us a business smile. "What do you want baby?" Daddy asked. "Miwl n cwokie" I answered shyly, tucking my head in my daddies neck. "A medium cup of milk and cookies ice cream and coffee ice cream in a cone."

"Coming right up, please step to the side to wait for your order." She said before starting to talk to another customer.

It only took a few minutes before we had our ice cream and were sitting in one of the empty booths, laughing and chatting. "You got ice cream all around your mouth!" Daddy laughed and grabbed a few napkins from the corner of the table to wipe the cold, sugary treat away. I giggled and let him clean the mess on my face. Once he finished I yawned and rubbed my eyes.

"Sleepy?" He said as he looked at his phone. "I guess it's time to go home and take a nap huh?" He chuckled, picking me up from the booth.

I shook my head, I didn't want to go to sleep. I wanted to stay up longer and play more. But I could barely get the words out as I fell asleep on my daddy's comfortable shoulder.


Day updated: 03/23/20

Word count: 1093

Had to delete and republish this chapter because of some issues.

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