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"Jay... Jay baby, It's time to wake up." I heard Daddy whisper. I groan in annoyance because I didn't want to get up. "No, daddy!" I say and turn over.

"Do not say no to me young man. Get up! Or I'll go get the tickle monster." He threatened causing me to pout and sit up immediately with my arms crossed. "Not fair!" I whine as Daddy chuckled.

"Don't pout baby, I'll make you an omelette." He said causing me to grin. "Yey!!" I shout and get on my knees to crawl over to him before holding my arms out to him. He picked me up and walked us over to the bathroom to get ready for today.

After we got ice cream and I woke up from my nap, he told me about how he bought it last week but couldn't move in until all of the renovations were done. Now four days later with the reservations being finished yesterday, we could finally move into our new home!

With that new thought I started talking to my Daddy excitedly about our house. I wanted to see what it looked like so badly but Daddy wanted it to be a surprise.

He also said he'd let me pick my own room! I was mostly excited about that because back at my old caregivers house my room was in the basement which was never clean.

After I took a bath and we brushed our teeth we headed downstairs with me still talking daddies ear off about everything.

Once in the kitchen he set me in a spare high chair Lisa found. "Chawie!!" I exclaim as I try to lean over to give him a hug but fail.

I glance down at the thing keeping me in place and glare. "Why stop me?!" I yell at it. "Chawie hep!" I say. "Otay!" He said and looked at seat restricting me.

"Let Jway go!" He demanded. Nothing happened. Now Charlie was getting mad. "Let him go!" He screamed. "Alright boys, enough." Lisa said looking amused. "Daddy! Da chaw wo wet me goo!" I pout.

Daddy shook his head in amusement. "Instead of trying to get out how about you eat this yummy omelette I made?" He said making my eyes widen and mouth drool.

"Omwet?" I asked forgetting about the mean chair. He said nothing as he put the best thing in the universe in front of me along with a sippy cut filled with apple juice. As I examined it I realized something was missing. "Daddy, Ketup!" I say, appalled that he would forget my ketchup. How could he??

"Oh sh- uhh, sorry Jay here." He said as he picked up a ketchup bottle and squirted a happy face on my omelette causing one to appear on mine.

Once he was done I went for it with my hands, once again like the last four days, ignoring the spoon next to me and going straight for the food. But before I could even touch it daddy caught my hand. I scowled and looked up at him to see him looking at me with a raised eyebrow. In the four days I've know Daddy, he came to know my habit of not using spoons or forks to eat. He was currently trying to break me out of that habit.

I immediately stopped scowling and gave him a innocent look and picked up the spoon. "That's what I thought. I'm watching you young man." He said with narrowed eyes.

"Otay." I said and dug my spoon into my omelette before shoving it in my mouth. I hum with delight as it touched my tongue. It's still as good as the first time Daddy made it for me.

I didn't know what an omelette was until three days ago. But since then I've been obsessed with them. I take three more bites and look up at daddy to see him watching me with a smirk.

I playfully glare at him making him laugh. "I told you I was watching. I'm not cleaning up another mess love." He laughed.

I sigh in defeat and finish the rest of my food and juice. After I finished I was wiped down and placed in Charlie's play pen with SpongeBob playing. A minute later Charlie is next to me and we're playing with his trains.

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