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I gasp and sit up, clenching my chest as I attempt to calm my beating heart. I dreamt about the punishments my old caretaker gave me when I made him angry. He would lock me in a tiny dark storage closet for hours which eventually, led to my fear of dark, cramped spaces.

After that dream, I wasn't feeling little. I look over at Hunter, who was still sound asleep. Then, to the clock sitting on the nightstand, which read 1:02 AM. There was no way I was going back to sleep after that dream. I was too afraid of experiencing another one.

With that in mind, I quietly get out of bed and walk over to the bedroom door, opening it as quietly as possible. I walk down the hallway and to the stairs, slowly walking down them.

Once at the bottom, I go over to the kitchen and get an empty glass and some milk. I pour some milk into the glass before place it in the microwave to heat up. Drinking warm milk after a nightmare always made me feel better.

Before the microwave could go off and wake Hunter up, I get my drink then head for the dining table. I sit in silence and just focus on sipping my warm beverage. "What do you think you're doing up?" A sleepy voice said from the doorway.

Hunter was leaning against the open doorway with his arms crossed. "I couldn't sleep, had a nightmare." Was all I said as I took another sip of my milk. "You're out of little space?" He asked and frowned when I nodded.

"Why didn't you wake me up?"

"I wanted a moment to myself."

Hunter walked around the table and sat next to me. "I would prefer it if you'd wake me up next time bunny. You gave me a scare when I woke up to you not being next to me." I frowned and turned to him. "I'm sorry daddy, I didn't mean to scare you."

He sighed and pulled me into a hug. "It's alright love, just don't do it again."

"Daddy? Mowie awter my milkie?"

Daddy smiled at my question. "Of course Jay, now hurry and finish your milk." He said and ruffled my hair. "No towch haw Daddy!" I pouted up at him. Daddy laughed and stared down at me with a fond look in hie eyes. "Alright sweets."

I finish my milk some minutes later and Daddy puts my cup in the sink before taking me back to the bedroom.

He sets me down and turns the TV on before asking me what I want to watch. "Tawbewy Show Cake!" I say happily. "You wanna watch Strawberry shortcake?"

I nodded in confirmation and excitedly clap when he puts it on.  Daddy comes and lays next to me, also watching the show.

That's how it went for the rest of the night. Me and Daddy binge watching all four seasons of Strawberry Shortcake.

I was on the sixth episode of season two when the window caught my attention. It was starting to get bright out!

My head whipped to the clock and I saw it was 6:47am. I stayed up that long? I'm not even sleepy! I looked over to Daddy and realized he was sleeping.

Would he get mad if he found out I didn't sleep? I'm feeling a little hungry and I have to pee... Maybe I can just lie! Yeah, I'll pretend I just woke up.

Okay, first. I have to pee.

I go to get off of the bed but look down and frown. Was the bed always this high? I'll break my bones if I try to get off.

I turn to Daddy and hesitate before shaking him awake.  "Dada! Pee!" I yell. He groans and rolls over so I repeat my words.

"Do not yell Jayson." He says without looking at me. I pout and huff at him. "Daddy I jabe to potty but da bewd is high." I explained.

He silently got up and came over to my side and lifted me up before setting me down on the floor and laying back down. So lazy!

Whatever, I'll let him sleep... For now. I walk over to the connected bathroom and go in. Luckily, the lights were on.

I quickly did my business before exiting and going back over to Daddy. As I approached the bed a yawn decided to escape my mouth and I suddenly felt tired.

Ugh why'd I have to get sleepy now! I guess I'll just lay down for a few seconds. Then wake Daddy up for food.

I climbed back into bed with difficulty but once I got in, I snuggled next to my Daddy. As soon as my eyes closed, I knew that I wouldn't be laying down for just a few seconds.


Day updated: 09/03/20

Word count: 849

Heyy guys! It's been a minute lol. Hope you all are doing well and staying safe. Chapter is shorter than usual but I hope you all like it☺

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