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"Hey Archer, I'm really sorry to gave to cancel our date. My uh... Son got a fever and I-"

Archer cut my rambling off. "Hunt, it's really okay, I understand. We can just make plans for a date some other time."

My eyes widened in surprise. "You're willing to give me a second chance? Normally that wouldn't happen after suddenly cancelling the first date." I laughed looking at my baby who was sleeping to my right of me.

It was my fault he got sick. After taking a bath last night, I was dead tired and forgot to dry his hair properly so he got a fever.

"Well like I said earlier, I do understand what it's like to worry about a sick child. So yes, I will give you another chance at a date with me." He laughed. I sigh in relief and talked with him a while longer before hanging up.

At that time, Jayson slightly groaned and lifted one of his hands to wipe his eyes. "You awake love? How are you feeling?" I asked in a worried tone.

"Daddy..." He groaned, tears starting to fall down his face. My heart broke at the sight. "I'm sorry baby!" I said pulling him into a hug.

The action causes him to cry even harder. I frown in discomfort. He opens his mouth to say something but instead pushes me away turns before throwing up all over the floor.

"Fuck." I whisper under my breath, letting him puke it all out since it was too late to take him to the toilet.

After he stops, I take him to the bathroom to give him a bath, rubbing his head to calm him down since he was still crying.

He kept saying sorry over and over again and I kept reassuring him, telling him that everything was okay and that he would be fine soon.

Once in the bathroom, Jay ended up puking some more, this time in the toilet. Afterwards, I gave him a bath and helped him brush his teeth.

"Daddy, my head hurts." He whined, leaning his head on me. I reach into our medicine cabinet and get our bottle of fever medicine out, taking the amount needed.

Then I took us downstairs for a glass of water.

"Take them bunny." I tried persuading him but he still refused, afraid of swallowing pills.

But thankfully I was able to persuade him soon after. He swallowed them with a little difficulty though.

I took up back to my room, placing him on my bed so he'd be able to get some sleep. All of our furniture arrived two days ago and Jay slept in his room for the first time yesterday but then got sick so he's back in my room.

I already fed him some chicken noodle soup so he'd be good. As a matter of fact, that's probably why he threw up.

After making sure he was comfortable and asleep, I climbed in bed next to him to also sleep but not a deep sleep just in case he woke up and needed me.


I woke up feeling sweaty and not very little. I look to my side and he Dad- Hun- whatever knock out with his mouth open and slobber dripping from his mouth.

I felt bad that I worried him so much yesterday, I should have knew to dry my hair. I could see how tired he was but did nothing about it. Heck he still had bags under his eyes now. Tears well up in my eyes.

I'm a bad little I think to myself. I should go to time out for being bad. I sniff sadly and get up, the movement causing my daddy to jump up.

"You okay bunny? Are you feeling uncomfortable or sick still?" He asked his concern for me being written all over his face.

I shake my head no. I felt all better except for the sweat that covered my body.

"Sorry, I'm such a bad little. I shouldn't make you worry for me at all. I should be making you happy, not-"

Daddy cut me off by pulling me into a hug and stroking my hair to comfort me. "Jay, you're not little right not right?" He asked to which I nodded my head.

He gave a tiny sigh but kept stroking my head. "Jay, bunny, baby, a daddy-little relationship is supposed to go both ways. The daddy is supposed to provide his little with comfort and make them feel secure while the little is supposed to give their daddy the satisfaction of having someone rely on and need them. A proper and good daddy would never act the way your old daddy would. He wasn't a good daddy but you were and are an amazing little. I love you and would never regret taking you in that snowy day at the park. You make me so happy and I love taking care of you and hearing your little giggles and occasional sassy remarks. I never want to hear you saying you're a bad little ever again. Do you hear me?"

By the end of his little speech, I was sobbing and nodding my head. I knew Hunter cared for me, but I didn't think he loved me. Not in a romantic way but in a brotherly, or fatherly way. It made me so happy.

I was starting to be happy that I was abandoned by my old daddy. Happy that Hunter took me in when he and Lisa could have just kept walking.

I realized more and more that if they hadn't taken me in, I probably would have died and just for that I would forever be grateful to them.

It was a major blessing in disguise that I was able to get such a amazing daddy like Hunter.

"I love you too!" I sobbed out, hugging him even tighter. He let out a watery laugh. He was also crying.

I have no idea how long we were crying together, but eventually we fell asleep again. Our relationship being much, much deeper than before.


Word count: 1025

Day updated: 12/05/21


Another few months, another update😌✨

And don't worryy I have my excuse rigght here 😃. *Points to paper*

Yep yep, it says right here I was being held hostage by my school and couldn't write or publish anything. But anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter!

EDIT: I forgot to put this part in lmao💀. Do you guys think Jayson should have a sibling?




Bye! Adiós! Au revoir! Arrivederci! Sayōnara!👋

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2021 ⏰

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