|15| Poison?

696 30 4

O i k a w a 

     I watched as the couples talked in a circle. I was only asleep for 8 minutes, according to Sakura. Honestly, I feel like absolute shit, and I'm not sure why. My stomach hurts, and my head keeps spinning. 

     "Tooru- are you alright? You look so pale and sweaty." Sakura asks softly. A tiny bit of concern being laced in his voice. I only turned to look at her in the eyes, silently pleading for her to help me. Her eyes widen, and her entire face goes pale as if she saw a ghost. 

     Sakura leans forward and plucks something from the back of my neck, causing me to yelp in response. Fortunately, no one seems to notice. 

     The brunette turns on the light in the roof of the car and looks at something in her fingers. "Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCKKKK!" Her sudden out burst of curse words grabs the attention of Hajime. He turns around and rushes towards the passenger side door. 

     I don't have the strength to talk, nor do I actually understand what's happening. "What's wrong?" 


     Sakura puts the capsule in front of Hajime's face, as if to verify what she had said. "Shit.. that must've been injected into his neck when he got kidnapped by Daishou." The brown haired male leans forward and places his hand on my cheek, causing me to weakly lean into his touch.

     "But that was a while ago. How come it just now took affect?" Atsumu asks, standing behind Hajime, obviously overhearing the conversation.

     "It has an automatic system, meaning the capsule wouldn't release the poison until someone released it. It's also a tracking device. But enough of this! We need to get him to a damn hospital before it takes any more affect on his body. Bokuto." He pauses and turns around to face the owl haired man. (I made that up, idk if that's actually possible.)

     "Crush this. Do whatever, just make sure that red dot isn't blinking anymore." 


     "Kuroo, make sure to send out an emergency meeting email to all of the surrounding companies. EXCLUDING, Nohebi."


     Hajime puts my arm around my shoulder and walks me out of the hospital. Sakura now driving into the roundabout pickup area. Despite being so tired, I can tell it's snowing. Which, I don't mind. I love the snow, even if it causes me troubles. 

     The brunette girl walks around to the back seat and opens the door, helping me in. "I'll sit with him back here. You don't mind driving, do you?" Hajime asks, sliding in already and buckling his seat belt. 


     Everything feels so light and.. glitchy? When I look around, the shapes of objects seem to follow. It's hard to explain, but I don't like it. It reminds me of being high.

     "Tooru..? Are you feeling okay?" He asks, just as Sakura begins driving. Oh right, I forgot, it's around midnight. Mustering up the little strength I have, I nod and toss my head back against the head rest of the seat. 

     That antidote treatment.. it wasn't pleasant. Inhaling the amyl nitrite for 30 seconds, made me light-headed. I didn't take any fondness into anything that the nurses did to me. Even if I sounded out of it, I still somewhat understood what was being said, by Hajime and Sakura. 

     When Sakura found the capsule, that is. How did I not even notice that in the first place? I felt fine, I felt comfortable. Nothing felt out of the ordinary.

     In shock, I widen my eyes, as Hajime unbuckles my seatbelt and pulls my head down into his lap. He runs his hand through my hair in a soothing motion whilst running his fingertips on my arm. This kind of feels nice.

     Subconsciously I close my eyes and grip onto his blue jeans. Tears starting to build up. "Hey.. shhh.."

     Hajime then places his hand on my back and draws circles. I honestly feel so.. lost and confused. (Ye because I've stumbled upon a speed bump >.>)

     "Hey Tooru, can I ask you a few questions?"

     "Hmm? Sure?"

     "What's your favorite food?"

     I- that was so random. "Milk bread."

     "Favorite song?"

     "Already gettin' to the hard ones? Hmm.. probablyyy, lose you to love me."

     "Huh? But that's a sad song.. why?"

     "Because.. well.. I'm scared to love. I mean, look at where Isaac and I ended up. He's after me, and I was a fool to believe he loved me. I never loved before Isaac, so I never knew how it even worked. The beatings; I thought I deserved it."

     Hajime's body tenses, causing me to open my eyes and look up at him. He looks down at me with a frown. "No one should be treated that way. It's not normal. Just knowing he treated you so horribly.. it angers me. I want to be there for you, protect you, love you."

     L-Love me? Before I have the chance to respond, he chuckles nervously, his body relaxing. I close my eyes again and let out a sigh. 

     "Um, favorite color?"

     "Light teal, followed by white."

     "You know, I can just imagine how you'd look wearing an outfit with those colors. It'd make yourself even more mesmerizing to look at."

     I have a question, but I'm not sure if it's the right time yet. Ah fuck it, it's now or never. "Do you like me?"

     "Where did that come from? Of course I do."

     "Well, what do you like about me."

     "Many things, Tooru. Many things.. The way your eyes sparkle when you see something you like. Your mood changes. How you literally are able to keep a stable conversation. Your eyes. Your smile, even if it's just the broken mask of the one true smile you had.. Your hair. Your kindness towards people who deserve it. Your ability to keep your anger to yourself, and not let it out on others. The ability you have, to make me feel.. happy." 

     My eyes shoot open as my lips quiver. I grip onto Hajime's shirt and dig my face into it. My tears sliding down my face, followed by light sobs that escape from my mouth. "H-Hey, why are you crying?"

     "N-No reason.. I just.. usually when I asked people who liked me, what they liked about me. They would just hesitate for a moment before responding. Hoping that I wouldn't be able to see past their lies." 

     Suddenly, Sakura speaks up, grabbing Hajime and I's attention. "Y'know, Haji isn't the type to hesitate when he's genuinely interested. Besides, he wouldn't have kissed you if he didn't take interest in you in the first place. It's just a part of who he is. Yes, he has broken hearts before. But that was because they forced themselves on him, and that would usually cause the monster to break free from it's cage, out of anger."

     "Pfft, that's a weird way of explaining it, Sakura." Hajime replies, laughing a bit. 

     Nonetheless, I smile.

     But everything is just beginning. With Daishou, Himari, Yukio, and Isaac. I'm so screwed.


A/N: I'm tryna push the storyline just a little so I can get to the main event. Ya'll know that main event means DrAmA. Ugh, these past couple weeks have been terrible for me. I'm drained mentally, and just, I don't want to go to school. My mom keeps pushing me off the edge. Sometimes, well, more like frequently, I think about running away because of how she makes me feel. I don't even have a therapist anymore because my previous one dropped me because I was refusing the help. So like, my thoughts and feelings are just being bottled up. I wonder when I'm going to explode. 




Word Count: 1309

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