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Another day of paradise, I thought to myself, as I woke up in my luxurious bed.

It was so comfortable I almost didn't want to get out of it, but if I didn't make it to the lobby before noon, I'd miss out on the breakfast bar again. It's already been one day since I arrived and I'd be damned if I miss another chance at free food. I jumped out of bed, stretching as I got up.

The floral wallpaper was a nice touch to the island-themed hotel room I was staying at. Even the furniture fit the theme. This place really went all out to make sure you were able to relax. Work had been so stressful lately, but it was nice to take a few days off to de-stress every now and then.

If only Ethan didn't have that conference to attend, he could've came here with me. I heard this place had a nice couple's massage, and I really wanted the chance to spend more time with him. But he knew I needed this, so I should try and make sure I enjoyed the next few days for his sake.

I quickly got dressed, changing out of my silk pajamas, and switching it for a floral t-shirt and some shorts. Throwing on a hat for good measure, I felt ready to head down to breakfast.

The hallways were all empty and white, which was super jarring for a nice place like this, but I just discounted it all as renovations happening. I'm sure they'd fix it up in no time. With the amount of paying customers I saw walking around, this hotel had to be making serious money.

Fortunately, it didn't take long before I was out of the hallways and in the lobby. The lobby itself was just as, if not more than, decorated as the room I was renting. Something about all the island-themed furniture set my mind at ease even if a tiny voice screamed that nothing was right.

"Welcome, esteemed guests," a woman at the front of the lobby announced. "The breakfast bar will be open for another thirty minutes, so please come and enjoy yourselves while you can."

I licked my lips, eager for food. The line was long but it was worth it. Freshly made omelettes, a make your own pancake machine, muffins, cereal, and more. The orange juice was even squeezed right before your eyes. They even had milk and chocolate syrup ready to make chocolate milk.

There were also coffee options, too, but I wasn't interested in those. Coffee was never my thing. I embraced my inner child and made chocolate milk to go with a cheesy egg omelette I picked up.

Content with my harvest, I walked over towards an empty table to the back of the sitting area. It was near a window but the curtains covered them, so there was no view of outside. It didn't really matter. All the view I needed was right here on my plate. After I ate, I'd explore outside.

Ethan would've loved it here. I reached for my phone to take a picture to send him, but then I realized I didn't bring my phone with me. I somehow stupidly left it back at my parent's house. That was so unlike me, too. I usually made list upon list before I would travel anywhere.

Maybe the hotel's gift shop had a camera I could buy, and I could take a picture of my food tomorrow. I figured that was good enough for now, and turned my attention back to eating.

"Excuse me?"

I looked up and met the eyes of another girl, her hands filled with food. She also got an omelette but instead of chocolate milk to go with it, she held a cup of coffee. I silently judged her.

"Mind if I sit with you?"

"Not at all," I said, smiling up at the girl across from me. She looked like she was close to my age, which made me feel a bit better. The other patrons all looked so much older than either of us.

Even though she chose coffee over chocolate milk, I was thankful for the company. I felt a bit lonely. It's been a while since I last talked to someone that wasn't an employee of this hotel.

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