Chapter Nine

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God's Resurrection

2760 words

Days came and went, everyone more on edge with every passing 24 hours. Jeanette had been moved into the forest a new grave marking then made in her honor. Ana and Fatin stalked through the forest picking up firewood and twigs as they walked.

"Ow, motherfucker. You fucking bitch." Fatin looked down at one of the twigs in disgust and kicked it away, flicking it off with her free hand. "Better watch those, they don't take kindly to being insulted." Ana hopped over an old fallen tree jumping down picking up another large stick. "Oh, lovely, you're on the twigs side." "Yep, it obviously stabbed you for a reason. Stop cussing out the nature and help me grab this log." Fatin laughed walking over to the log that Ana couldn't pick up due to her full hands, grabbing it and putting in her smaller pile. "Let's get back, Dot will totally love the haul we got, she's got a kink for wood piles and shelter building." Ana laughed following Fatin out of the woods and towards the camp throwing down their piles of wood.

"We are totally fucking awesome." Fatin laughed putting her hand up. "Yes we are." Ana gave her a high five before turning around hearing a yell. "Hey, party people! Who's ready to fucking feast?" Rachel held up a bag swinging it around. "Hey!" "Hey!" The girls cheered while Ana watched her with a strange face, she ran down the hill and towards them emptying out the bag showing off a cluster of mussels. Ana scrunched her face up in disgust stepping back from the seafood nearly backing into Shelby. The group quickly threw them on the fire cooking them before beginning to dig in, Shelby and Ana watching with disgust.

"Mm, come to mama." "Fucking protein." "Hell yeah. You know, I can already feel my health meter coming back up to 100." "You true fucking geek. Please tell me that wasn't a gaming reference." "Can't do that." "I know these are little animals and all, but they're so good, and I can't stop eating them. What is wrong with me?" "You should give yourself a pass, like, for invertebrates." "And starvation situations." "Mhm." "You're not eating any mussels Shelby?" "Mm, no, no I'm good." "Why not?" "Oh, I'm beyond allergic to shellfish. I had a single popcorn shrimp at my cousin's birthday party. My windpipe shut like a trap." Everybody nodded until Fatin turned to Ana. "So what's your excuse blondie?" Ana shook her head looking at the mussels in disgust.

"The one time I hate shellfish, I got sick and threw up for almost 2 weeks straight. I'm never eating anything that grows in the sea ever again. The people in the parking lot probably get war flashbacks everytime they eat seafood just from seeing me throw-up." The girls giggled continuing to enjoy their food as Shelby and Ana watched with amused smiles. "Damn, Toni, you're plowing right through them." "Trying to stay on brand, you know?" Toni took a long lick of the mussel making the girls laugh, Shelby looking at the sand with disgust.

"Well, I mean, okay, you gotta admit, all right, the shape of these things..." "Shape and texture." "Yeah, right." "I mean, you know, it's kinda like a..." "Like a pussy!" Nora suddenly yelled, taking them all off guard everyone cackling and throwing their heads back. Ana blushed, giggling as she looked down at her hands then up at Toni meeting her eyes. "If you wanna know how to eat this soft, beautiful treasure, I can show you, and it does not take garlic oil. All it takes is finesse." Ana shook her head, putting a hand over her mouth holding back laughs as Toni licked the mussel. "Oh yes!" Someone then shouted clapping. "Lick the clit." "Damn, go off, girl!" "That is the most action any of us have gotten." "Go off, girl!" "I've never wanted my phone so fucking badly." Fatin then looked at Ana pushing her shoulder. "I bet you're jealous of that mussel huh girl?" Fatin spoke quietly, raising her eyebrows.

"No shut it!" Ana pushed back covering her red hot face. "Would you stop?" Shelby suddenly yelled, closing her eyes. "Okay." Toni muttered looking at Ana with a smirk making the girl only blush harder and look away to Shelby. "That was hilarious, and Shelby has no chill." "Excuse me. I have chill. I guess I just...I don't see the humor in that sort of thing." "Hey, what do you mean, 'that sort of thing'?" "You know. Pornographic gestures. I'm a Christian, all right? From a very Christian home, so I'm allowed to be a little skeeved out." "Get the cross out of your ass. It's fun to be filthy." "I mean, that's not all that's going on here. Don't bullshit me, Shelby. 'Cause the vibe that's coming off you right now, I've felt it a few too many times not to know what it is."

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