Chapter Ten

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Sisterly Love

4648 words

 The whole camp was flooded. Everyone was scrambling around to get things from the water before they were dragged out to the sea. Ana chased after a bag grabbing it before feeling someone grab her arm both falling at the same time. She sat up still clutching the bag gasping as Fatin pulled her up clutching to her.

"Sorry!" "No problem! How about you kill me while you're at it!" They held onto each other while running up to shore. "Fucking ocean took all my shit!" Ana huffed taking in a few deep breaths before running back out to the water helping Fatin collect her suitcase and it's floating items. "You're gonna have to let it go!" "No!" "Yes Fatin! Or we're both gonna fucking drown! If anything they'll wash back up!" Fatin grabbed whatever was left and held Ana's arm as they ran both collapsing onto the sand far up on the beach. "Fuck!" Fatin yelled covering her face with her hands. "We're alive. We're alive." Ana nodded, more so confirming it to herself then Fatin.


Everyone sat in silence on the beach, no one really wanting to speak after what happened. Ana drew on the sand, different shapes to distract her mind from wandering like it had been for too long. She sat a ways away from everyone not wanting to talk, not wanting to be alone. It was like a never ending war in her mind. The sand distracted it though, for just a little while.

"That's it. Pull up stakes!" Leah and Fatin stood up and began dragging the tarp thing up to Dot. "We're fucking moving." "Again?" "Take a real good look at this camp. It's not a refurb job. It is fucking totaled." "But I thought you said the cave was a bust." "No, not the cave. We move to Gold Cliff Beach around the bend. Doesn't seem like the tide's a bitch, so, you know, maybe this tsunami horseshit won't hit us again." Ana nodded and stood up dusting her legs off. "It's not as windy there either." Nora commented. "It won't be as cold." Ana grabbed her bag swinging it onto her shoulder. "Yeah, the wind is bad seeing as we no longer have a fucking fire to keep us warm." "Shit. I hadn't thought of that. Who was on fire duty last night?" Ana's eyes met Toni's before she quickly looked away from Toni looking at Fatin.

"Okay, technically, it was my turn, but Shelby practically begged me to sub her in, so who was I to deprive her of that pleasure?" "Look, I know that Shelby has been trying so hard to get back in our good graces, but some of you have been a little too quick to take advantage of that." "Yeah, sorry not sorry." Ana looked at Toni again, the brunette already looking at her. "Who cares? She's a bigot." "I'm gonna ask a question and it may not be helpful." "Okay, good. Yeah, definitely do that." "Why did this catch us so off guard? I mean, haven't you been keeping track of the tide?" "What're you saying, Nora should've seen this coming?" "No, Rachel, that's not what I'm saying if you listen to me at all." "That's exactly what you're saying."

"Why are we pointing fingers? This wasn't anybody's fault." Martha got up from the rock walking towards everyone. "Seriously, fighting isn't going to explain why the fucking Earth does what it does." Ana huffed crossing her arms over her chest. "It's true. It was bigger than a normal tide. Maybe from a storm or an offshore earthquake. It happened so fast, we all acted irrationally, like Fatin, who jumped into a rip current to save her toothbrush and nearly killed Ana who somehow doesn't care" "What? It's the only thing keeping me human. And Ana jumped in after me, that was her choice." Toni scoffed, making everyone look at her. "She's was saving your ass from dying try being a little more fucking grateful." Ana hummed with a blank face sitting down on a beach of driftwood.

"Or Rachel, who left me for fucking dead." "I went to get the black box because it's our lifeline outta here. Don't come at me for that." "Well, I'm your sister." "Shut up!" Ana screamed pushing her hands through her tangled hair. "This is ridiculous! Fighting won't change the past and it certainly won't help the future!" Everyone went silent, looking everywhere but at each other. "Okay, well, blame game aside, I think it's safe to say that we can blame the dead fire on our problematic Jesus freak." Fatin turned around her sentence trailing off as Shelby walked up with a smile. Ana groaned rubbing her eyes before looking at Shelby.

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