Chapter Eleven

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Never Leave Me

671 Words


Her hands were shaking as she held her phone, her finger hovering above Toni's contact name. She'd given up on calling him, she didn't even care anymore as she pressed on the contact putting the phone to her ear taking in a deep breath. It hummed for a moment before it went quiet and a raspy voice came through the speaker.

"What do you want?" The sound of her voice made the tears begin to well up once again, Ana's eyes lost in the police lights as she let out a sob. "Ana? What's wrong?" Her voice was more concerned this time, Ana stared at the blue and red lights, an answer finally leaving her chapped lips. "Beverly is dead." It was said so bluntly, so blankly, yet she only stared forward, a small tear running down her face. The blanket around her shoulders did little against the cold of the early morning and the silence on the other end of the phone did nothing to calm Ana as she sat listening to her mother's sobs in the distance.

"I'm coming over." With that the call ended. Ana slowly moved the phone from her ear down to her lap staring into the lights, the picture in her mind of her sister's face as she laid dying in her arms just wouldn't leave. The scream before she fell down the stairs seemingly echoing in the wind despite her life being taken just an hour before. Ana hadn't moved from the curb for what felt like hours until someone ran at her crouching down in front of her. Ana dragged her eyes from the red and blue lights looking at Toni who sat in front of her staring up at Ana's puffy red eyes, dried tear stains down her cheeks.

"Bev's dead Toni. She's dead." Ana bit her lip fighting back another sob as Toni brought her in for a hug holding her tightly, Ana sobbing into her shoulder. "She died in my ar-arms an-and I couldn't do any-anything." Toni raked her fingers through her hair, a few tears escaping her eyes listening to her best friend's broken and tired voice. "It's okay, it's okay." "She's dead! She's dead and it's my fault! I should've stopped her, I shou-should've stopped her from coming do-downstairs!" Toni shook her head sitting down beside Ana holding her closely brushing her hair away from her face. "It isn't your fault." Ana shook her head looking at Toni, her hands grabbing Ana's face. "I should've stopped her." Toni stared at her before bringing her in for another hug cradling the sobbing girl in her arms letting her scream into her chest fighting against Toni's grip that was just too strong for Ana to escape.

"She's dead! She's dead! She's fucking dead and I couldn't save her! She's dead and she's never coming back!" Ana's muscles finally gave out her body falling against Toni as she sobbed grabbing at the girl. "I know, I know." Toni whispered in her ear trying not to let her voice crack, a few tears falling down her face. "You're gonna be okay, it'll be okay Ana. I promise." "I had to watch her die! She died in my arms and I couldn't save her!" "Ana breathe! It wasn't your fault! It was an accident Ana, it was just a shitty fucking accident!" Ana laid down in her lap choking on her own words as she laid there, Toni rubbing her cheek humming to her.

Ana's sobs began to die down as morning came, the sun peaking over the tops of the houses. The brunette and the blonde still sitting on the curb holding each other. Ana stared out at the pink and orange sky, her breaths broken and shaky. "Don't leave me." Ana whispered leaning her head on Toni's knee feeling her fingers rake through her hair. "Never." Toni whispered back looking down at the girl in her lap. "Promise?" Toni didn't let a beat go by before she responded, "Promise." 

A/N: This chapter, like, kinda sucks. Sorry homies. Also love to everyone that hates me for the last chapter you might hate me more once twelve comes out :) we love a complicated relationship. Love y'all <3

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