Chapter Fifteen

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Born This Way

1704 words

"They are going to kiss our fucking feet for bringing these back." Ana laughed holding her tank top filled with lychees as she stumbled through the forest back to camp. "Yeah. They better. I actually had a mental breakdown to find them. And I mean in the most literal sense, obviously." Ana stepped up on a fallen tree before jumping back on the ground swinging the make-shift bag filled with fruit. "Y'know, I don't think you're gonna fall apart or jump off a cliff. I'm worried...I was worried you'd do what you did back home." Ana frowned, biting the inside of her cheek, looking behind her to face Toni as she walked.

"You pushed it away, pretended you were fine..." "Yeah. It's what I thought worked, but it didn't. And I know that now. I see it." Ana replied blankly, finally spotting the edge of the woods as it came closer into view while they walked. Toni took in a deep breath watching Ana adjust her swimsuit top for what seemed like the thousandth time on their 10 minute walk from the lychee tree. "Here stop." Ana paused turning around tilting her head a bit in confusion before raising her eyebrow.

"What? Why?" "I'm sick of you pushing that thing down c'mere, you're driving me insane. I swear to god I'm ready to give you my shirt just to get you to stop messing with it." Ana wobbled over to Toni trying not to trip over the many sticks that covered the ground. "Jesus, I'm gonna break my ankle out here." Ana turned around so her back faced Toni, her hands coming up to untie the top barely grazing over Ana's tanned skin. "Here's a pro of living on this hellhole, my tan has never looked better. Con, I might get skin cancer." "True. I'm sort of jealous, you've got this incredible tan and I'm burning like a fucking piece of bacon." Ana shivered, the feeling of Toni's fingers grazing her spine sending a feeling of butterflies to erupt in her stomach.

", this is awkward but...I have to ask-" "I know what your gonna say and, to answer it. We're something." Ana interrupted turning around as Toni finished retying the top. "I love you. You love me, I hope, anyways." She let out a small laugh before continuing, "we're something, and we have forever to figure it out. But for's Like, something that doesn't have to make sense, but it flows. Like water. God...I miss music, I miss my piano." Toni smiled looking away biting her lip. "I can tell. You have made three piano references in the passed 8 minutes." "Shut up, you love it." Toni laughed looking back to Ana examining her flushed cheeks. "Yeah, I do." "Alright, enough. Everyone is starving let's move, before they turn to cannibalism. I can see it in Fatin's eyes, she's getting there, they're like dead little beads." Ana giggled, grabbing Toni's hand and pulling her out of the trees towards the girls. "Jesus."

"Holy shit what is that?" "Lychees. Me and Toni found them like a 15 minute walk in." "Holy shit! You fucking angels!" Rachel practically threw herself off the sand snatching the make-shift bag from Ana's hand. "You two are fucking amazing!" "We know." Toni smiled putting her bag of the fruit down watching Ana walk off towards her stuff crouching down, grabbing an old shirt she'd left as camp, throwing it over the bikini top to cover her burning shoulders.

"You two were gone for a long time." Fatin whispered, raising her eyebrows up and down with a smirk. "Shut up." Ana blushed, shaking her head sitting down beside the girl. "Oh my god, you fucked. Finally! I have been waiting for this since day fucking one. The sexual tension was pain." Ana slapped her shoulder, shaking her head with wide eyes. "Shut up! You're exposing me." Fatin looked over at Toni smiling when she saw the brunette was far too focused on talking to Martha to notice them. "She's not even paying attention. Give me the details. Is she good? Fingers? Mouth? Both? She gives me bitchy dom vibes." Ana turned to her with fake disgust picking up a lychee and peeling it putting it right near her lips.

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