Fair Play

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A ringing sound echoing through the apartment was what tore Elinor out of sleep. She rubbed her eyes tiredly and looked around, a smile formed her lips. She had fallen asleep in his arms, his steady breathing not yet disturbed by the sound coming from the living room.

Elinor decided to go pick up the phone before he woke up and pecked his forehead carefully before lifting his arm that was wrapped around her, crawling out of the bed sheets and standing up. It was then that she noticed she was only wearing his shirt with no underwear. Chuckling, she sought out her slip and then quickly made her way over to the living room, answering the call.

"Hello?", Elinor asked carefully, no idea who could possibly want something from Jamie that early in the morning.

"Elinor?", a familliar voice appeared "Thank god you are alright. You have no idea how worried I was when the power suddenly fell out. I couldn't call you and then the storm and-"

"Sorry for making you worried about me Anna.", Elinor interrupted her "I assure you, there was really nothing to worry about. We didn't even try to go with that storm rampaging outside... let alone starting the car and driving me home."

"Good that's nice to hear", she smiled. "SooOOo...did you have a pleasant stay?", Anna teased after a little break. Elinor laughed coyly, She could even see her wiggling eyebrows through the device. "Depends on what you exactly mean by that, but based on what I think you're trying to ask...yes indeed I had."

"This is all I wanted to hear, love. I wish you guys a wonderful day.", Anna said. "But don't be too loud or the neighbors will complain.", Anna quickly added before hanging up.

She gave Elinor no chance to reply, leaving her with her lips slightly ajar. She shook her head and giggled, deciding on not to think about that any further. Instead, Elinor had the idea of making breakfast for Jamie. He cooked dinner after all, now was her turn.

She quietly made her way over to the kitchen. Only to find leftovers and dirty dishes from last night. Quickly, she wrapped some cling film around the lasagna and put it into the refrigerator. Then she washed all the dirty dishes and cleared the table. Satisfied with her work, she glanced over the kitchen and smiled. Time to take a look what can be turned into a decent breakfast, she thought, making her way back to the refrigerator and eying the contents.

Some eggs and toast could be found, besides that some fresh vegetables and orange juice.
Elinor decided to make two fried eggs and searched for a pan, finding it hung right above a kitchen counter. When the eggs were ready and the toast toasted, she only washed some cherry tomatoes and cut the cucumber in little pieces. With this, she just placed everything neatly onto the table and put out some cutlery she had found in one of the drawers.

Contented with the outcome, she went back to his bedroom and opened the door slightly, peeking into the room. Jamie was still sleeping.
His features were soft and his breathing steady.  He looked so peaceful laying there, his one hand supporting his head under the pillow while his other still rested gently on where Elinor had laid. She smiled to herself and tiptoed quietly over to him next to the bed so that his back was now turned to her. She lowered herself and started peppering kisses onto his shoulder and neck, eventually reaching his cheek. He groaned softly as he slowly woke up, turning over to where the sudden touches were coming from. Laying on his back now, Elinor moved to lay on top of him.

Finally, he opened his eyes, his hazel ones tiredly blinking to adjust themselves to the morning sun. Jamie smiled as he noticed her, her head slightly tilted and laying on her arms which, again, rested on his chest.

"Good Morning, Darling.", Elinor whispered, elongating her neck to peck his lips. „Did you know that It's really hard waking you up?"

He chuckled, pecking her lips once more. „I need my beauty rest after all.", he joked, grabbing her waist through the bed sheets and flipping her over, she chuckled. Jamie kissed her forehead and then descended, his feet coming to rest on the wooden floor boards as he stretched his arms above his head in a tired manner. Elinor rolled to the side and bend down to grab a shirt that laid underneath the bed. She threw it over to Jamie to wear, he was only in his boxers after all.

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