Marichat: Holiday Movie Marathon(4)

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In Marinette’s humble opinion, few things were better during the holidays than cuddling up in blankets and keeping as warm as possible. Any activities that could be done while wrapped up in those layers were welcome activities. And any company that wished to join her was welcome company.

Particularly when that company was Paris’ resident superhero space-heater, Chat Noir.

“You are so warm,” Marinette purred, settling in the superhero’s lap with one of her many, many blankets. The rest were strategically compiled to create a colorful, fluffy fortress around them while one last one hung around Chat’s broad shoulders.

“And you are so snuggly!” he easily retorted, planting his chin on top her head, arms wrapping securely around her waist as he pulled her back to rest against his toned chest.

Marinette couldn’t help but giggle. She liked this. Any time spent with her superhero boyfriend was time well spent. Officially, they were planning on watching a Christmas movie marathon with all the sappy holiday romance movies (whether she was surprised or unsurprised that that had been Chat’s request was still up for debate.) She brought popcorn and cookies and thermoses of hot cocoa up into their carefully constructed pillow-and-blanket fortress. Her computer and charge cord were in the fort as well, prepped for watching movies.

But really, when it came down to it… she didn’t want to move even an inch. Here in the arms of the most precious person in the world to her, she found herself settled. Happy.

Sure, there was a holiday movie marathon waiting for them. But compared to spending quality time simply snuggled with her kitty cat boyfriend, it sure lost all its shine.

Particularly when Chat’s eyes met hers and she realized there was nothing that could outshine the glimmer of blissful happiness in them.

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