Ladrien: Lights(5)

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It took a solid ten minutes of rationalization to find herself here. And Ladybug might live to regret it yet. Her internal monologue ran on and on, trying to calm herself down as she hung like spiderman before a certain supermodel’s window.

She knew he wouldn’t be busy today. He had shown his excitement at school when he got a surprise phone call canceling his photoshoot for the day. And his smile just looked so nice that Marinette had wanted to see it again.

So maybe… Ladybug could do that.

With no small amount of surprise, Adrien ran to his window and opened it. “Ladybug?”

She pulled together all her confidence. “Hey.”

“H-hey,” he stuttered, lopsided smile already coming across his face. “What’s up? Is something wrong?”

“Um… no,” she said. “I just heard from a little birdie that you were free today and thought… maybe… if you’d like… we could—I don’t know—maybe… go on a bit of a… date?”

Even upside down, she could see Adrien’s cheeks grow red before he reached back to rub the back of his neck. “Uh… yeah. I’d… like that… a lot.”

“Great,” she said, her own mood brightening considerably as most of her original panic faded away. “So is it okay if I, uh, take you somewhere?”

“Yeah,” Adrien said, “I’d like that a lot. So… uh, let me grab a jacket.”

“YES! Of course. It’s cold, and you don’t have a magic suit, so, yeah, jacket. Good.”

With a chuckle, Adrien scurried away from the window deeper into the room before returning fairly quickly with a jacket, a hat,

And the scarf Marinette had made him for his birthday a few years back.

Her heart positively swelled with joy.

“So, where to?” Adrien asked.

Ladybug reached out her hand. “Grab on.”

In no time at all, they were flying through the sky. Ladybug would be lying if she said she wasn’t extremely aware of the way Adrien held tightly to her. Logically, she knew it was only because of the method of travel. But that did not stop her fangirling heart from inwardly squealing and potentially reading far too deeply into it.

Those thoughts faded as soon as they touched down at their destination: high on the Eiffel Tower.

“Look.” Ladybug pointed to the view of Paris that dazzled even more brightly than usual with all the holiday lights that now adorned it.

But that view didn’t steal her attention for long as she turned towards Adrien, watching his expression of awe as he took in the sights. “Wow.”


When Adrien turned back towards her, Ladybug swore her heart could stop. The soft look he gave her was one she could drown in. One she’d be more than willing to, if he let her.

“Thank you, Ladybug.”

“You’re wel—”

She froze. Not because she couldn’t get the sentence out, but rather because Adrien was bowing before her, one of her hands cradled in both of his as he brought it to his lips and placed a careful kiss on her knuckles.

Well, good bye her heart.

Adrien stood up straight again. “The lights are beautiful,” he said, squeezing her hand just tightly enough to keep her in reality. “But… if I’m being honest… they’re best used to highlight your beauty.”

In that moment, Ladybug decided to hell with it. She would let herself get lost in that soft, sweet gaze of his, one highlighted perfectly by the holiday lights of Paris.

Just for tonight.

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