Marichat: Ice Skating(10)

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It wasn’t like Chat had planned to make an appearance tonight. He just wanted a place to be that wasn’t his house and ended up watching people at the ice-skating rink.

Actually, he ended up watching a specific group of people at the ice-skating rink. Namely, Marinette and her gal pals. And what he thought was going to be a waste of a night ended up being a huge boon for him.

Firstly, he had to hint at Nino to up his game for spending Christmas time with Alya without giving away that the red-head had one heck of a surprise planned for his best bro.

Secondly, he was going to need to pull the boys together to help Ivan because heaven knew that guy was trying his hardest, but after hearing what Mylene had planned, maybe it would be best to help a brother out.

And lastly, he was going to have to up his game because apparently the princess he’d taken to visiting lately had quite the crush on him. Adrien-him, not Chat Noir-him. Not that it mattered; he was equally flattered.

Eventually, the girls got cold and all began heading their separate ways, so Chat Noir decided to “do his civil duty” and “ensure they got home safe”. Which… was fully an excuse to follow Marinette home.

“Hiya, Princess.”

“Hi, Chat.”

“What? I thought for sure I would have surprised you,” he whined, siding up to her and putting on a playful pout.

She cast him a smug side-eyed glance that almost sent him reeling. He wasn’t sure just when Marinette had begun affecting him the same way Ladybug could, but he found he didn’t mind in the slightest. “Please, like you could paw-sibly sneak up on me.”

One punch KO, here we go. Chat felt like he could trip on air, but managed to pull himself together. “So, have fun with your friends?”

“Duh, we always do.”

“Glad to hear it. Sounds like you were all conspiring. What about?”

“None of your business, kitty cat,” she said with a wink.

Well, he guessed that was fair even if it wasn’t an answer he liked. “Really? Because I thought I heard something about ‘boys’ and ‘gifts’. So, seeing as I myself am a boy, maybe I could help you and your friends out a bit with ideas.”

She rose a single brow at him, and he swore it might as well have been his lady looking at him. “Was a naughty cat eavesdropping?”

“I’m a curious cat, princess. What can I say?”

With a sigh, she stopped, Chat stopping beside her. However, it didn’t seem like he was close enough to her, because with a grin on her pretty lips, she beckoned him closer.

And damn if he wasn’t whipped enough to follow her every demand.

“Kitty,” she began, leaning forward to whisper in his ear. “I would strongly suggest not telling Nino or Ivan anything you heard, mon chaton. That is… if you still want your Christmas gift.”

He froze. There was only one person who used that name. And when Marinette stepped away from him, that’s when he could see it. “M-milady?” he choked out, frozen stiff to his spot.

She just put a finger to her still smiling lips, that triumphant look making his knees weak, weak, and weaker still. “Shhh,” she began, those striking bluebell eyes looking straight into his own. “Be a good kitty now, and maybe, this lady in red will still deliver your present.”

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