Adrinette: Cooking(11)

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There should have been four people in the kitchen today. Last week, Marinette, Alya, Nino, and Adrien had all planned to make and decorate cookies together at Marinette’s house. Instead, Alya texted Marinette a winky face with a “have fun”, and she nor Nino had appeared.

Leaving Marinette alone with Adrien.

Alya was getting an extra nice present this year.

At first, Marinette felt a little awkward, and it showed. After all, even though she mostly had her crush under control, she still was massively in love with the blond sweetheart she occupied the kitchen with. But by the time Adrien had accidentally sent flour flying everywhere—which wasn’t the first baking accident of the day—the tense atmosphere melted away into a goofy one, allowing things to relax between them.

Marinette couldn’t really take him all that seriously as a man when he had flour in his hair and childish wonder in his eyes, anyway.

(Didn’t mean her heart didn’t still go pitter-patter at the sight.)

Eventually, they were standing side by side, Adrien watching intently over Marinette’s shoulder as she showed him how to hold an icing bag and decorate one of the gingerbread cookies they made. Then it was Adrien’s turn to try it out.

“Try moving your hand, here,” she directed, helping him shift his grip so that he could hold the bag steadier.

“Oh, that is easier. Thanks.”

“Second nature,” she said with a wink.

And then she turned away, blush on her cheeks, because did she really just wink at him?

After a thirty-second internal freak out, she focused back on the cookies, decorating her section with ease.

“Yours look so much better!” Adrien whined.

“But yours look good for someone who hasn’t done this since he was ten.”

“No. Mine make me look like I was still ten when I decorated them.”

“Sprinkles, then,” Marinette dismissed. “Hide all mistakes with sprinkles. Just don’t make a mess of them.”

“Well… no promises,” he returned with a wink.

She felt her face flare with heat. It was not fair that he was so attractive when he did that. The only way she could respond was with a nervous giggle while she did everything to hide her internal freak out that lasted a solid minute this time.

When all was said and done, Adrien had thanked her profusely for the day and told her how he hoped they could be able to do it again, which already had Marinette mentally planning a second date—er, get together.

“Next time, we’ll get Alya and Nino to show up,” Marinette said, even though she didn’t really want them to.

Adrien shrugged, giving her a small, genuine smile that was enough to knock the air out of her. “Or it could be you and me again. Either way. I rather enjoyed spending time together with just you, Marinette.”

… oh, he was going to kill her. Her heart was going to explode, and she wasn’t even going to last long enough to have a second date.

Eventually, Adrien left with a small plate of cookies. Enough to show what he did for the day but not enough to cause anyone in his house to throw a fit that he’d ruin his model diet.

After all, they didn’t need to know how many he ate while he was over. What happened in her kitchen stayed in her kitchen.

Including the kiss he had quickly pressed to her cheek with the excuse that she had frosting on it.

That internal freak out had lasted a whole five minutes… and counting.

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